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[Map]Rattlesnake, Arizona


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As some of you may know, I have a great interest in the Old West, and have many books, DVDs and even props from the era (replica pistols, etc). So i'm thinking about turning that interest towards art and fiction.


So here's something i've been working on - the town of Rattlesnake, Arizona - the home of Sheriff Elias McLaine. I've also marked some of the places of interest.




1. Sheriff's Office and City Jail. Not a large building, but large, and secure enough to hold anyone should they find themselves on the wrong end of the law - or if they've had too much to drink in one of the saloons.


2. Johnson's Firearms and Hardware. The first stop for people arriving to try their hand at mining the local silver deposits, or if they find themselves in need of a shooting iron to ward away pesky bandits.


3. Shattered Spur Saloon. The most popular drinking hall, if you can get in. Prize fights are held every thursday at noon and 8pm.


4. Morgan and Sons Funeral Services. The last place most people wish to be visiting, often followed by permanent residence in boot hill.


5. Rattlesnake City Court House. The seat of power in the city, in addition to the legal duties carried out there.


6. Rattlesnake City Bank. The first completely brick built building in the city, and the most secure, having seen off three attempted robberies in as many months.


7. Imperial Hotel and Saloon. The biggest, and most luxurious guest house in town. Many games of chance to be played here, and many people's livelihoods gone through too much time at the tables.


8. Wells Fargo. Banking, Mail and Stage Travel.


9. Carson Estate. The city house of Evan Carson, a wealthy rancher and businessman, suspected to have links with criminal enterprises.

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Any more maps to come, should we expect some form of story to come from this?


I'm hoping there will be. The Biggest problem is how to start such a story - I'm sure once i've got past that problem, everything should flow nicely. :)


I think there might be another map or two - i'm not sureat the moment, but i'm certain that Rattlesnake won't be the only location.

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Pretty interesting, but why does Morgan and Sons have such a central location? As you said, no one really wants to have to go there and thus I imagine that most twonspeople would be more comfortable if it was more on the outskirts.


What can I say? Town planning isn't my forte...


But, for backstory, it was on the town borders. Til a new phase of building occured, when it's owners found it was no longer on the edge of town.


I've decided to revise the map a little bit, add some more to it - especially that empty side on the main thoroughfare...


P.S. Cowboy stories? DO WANT!


Ask and ye shall recieve...

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Been meaning to add this for a few days - the new, improved map of Rattlesnake, with some updated locations. All the locations that don't have descriptions are ones that haven't changed from the last version.




1. Sheriff's Office

2. Johnson's Gunsmith and Hardware

3. Shattered Spur Saloon (moved it across the street, and made it bigger)

4. Fry's Coffee House - A popular establishment for the ladies of Rattlesnake to gather, the Coffee house is a nice place to escape to when the noise of other establishments gets too much.

5. Morgan and Sons Funeral Services.

6. Rattlesnake City Courthouse

7. Rattlesnake Church - ministered by Father Samuel Wright, the church and its congregation does its best to fight against sin in any way it can.

8. Rattlesnake City Bank.

9. Imperial Hotel.

10. Wells Fargo. (now incorporating the Rattlesnake Herald and Telegraph)

11. Carson Townhouse.


As you can see, i've added an extra side to the main street, and added some tents to other roads (tents were often used by traders while they constructed wood buildings).

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