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HeroMachine Public Gallery (everyone feel free to post)


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After seeing Alkonium's and AndurilBlade's HeroMachine creations, and the buzz it's created, i've decided to create thread where everyone can post their creations and share ideas.


So, to kick off - here's some of mine. The first two are Vampire Uniforms for an RP i'm designing - a Vampire Infantryman, and a Vampire Cuirassier.




And the next two are characters from fics i've written - Vynn Drax, and MacLaine.




And, with his permission, Alkonium's characters, Andorra Evenstar, Darth Virul and Alkonium Kaltas.





So don't be shy, share your heroes!


EDIT: I'm an idiot. I forgot to add a link to HeroMachine - fixed now.

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@Rtas: How did you make those lightsaber blades? They look great!



I added those with photoshop.



Here is another:


Ivora Scall


With this one, alot of it isn't exact. Such as the hair is way of, the actual character having hair similar to Luxa, only white/silver-ish. And her jacket doesn't really look like that either.

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Nice. I don't recognize the overshirt you used for Bastila, but I'm sure I played with it before. :)


Well, I have a few HeroMachine characters that I've done.



Aubrey Sunrider, a character from my unfinished fan fic, sporting an outfit similiar to the K1 default Jedi Robe.


Bastila Shan, my interpretation from a few months ago.


Chiss Jedi Exile, sporting the infamous 'potato-sack'. :p


Chiss Dark Jedi, inspired by my Chiss Jedi Exile.


These last two are last, but certainly not the least:


Darth Revan

Unmasked Darth Revan


EDIT: Just converted my Unmasked Darth Revan to a female.


Unmasked Darth Revan (Female)

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Well, I just did 4 Exile-themed characters a few hours ago. They are taken from 2 plot points from KotOR II. (One that is seen in-game, and the other only talked about in-game.) The outfits I made a bit different than what's in-game, but only to give the Exile more unique outfits to reflect his/her situation. I originally did the outfits for the female pose and decided to make them for the male pose. :)


Battle of Malachor V - Jedi Exile (Female)

Battle of Malachor V - Jedi Exile (Male)


Council Trial - Jedi Exile (Female)

Council Trial - Jedi Exile (Male)

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Hey y'all.


Here are a couple of characters from my fic The False Peace. (I have more in the actual fic thread ;))




The eccentric jedi consular in-training Aruil Nenenitosael (she believes in babbling buzzsnappers :xp:)




Senator Matrik Jace, the lead contendor in the election for chancellor (sorry for the size.)




And the cyborg Gina.



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