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The Jawa Clan


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All Right! Two new members! Welcome Link Antilles and Krkode !


New list of members:


Cln. Eets'chula 571

Lt. silenthunter 166


Lt. darthfergie 178

Luke Skywalker

Darktrooper 35

Cln. Darth Rommel 482


Link Antilles


Jedi Jester


Daywalker ?


Rember, if you want to get a rank, after you play a game, pm me the points. Thanks :)


BTW, Eets, i was thinking, it would be cool if we all had a jawa name...Just somethin' to think about

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How to post the TJC banner in your sig: Just copy and paste this in you sig and add

url right there, add an a to jawa and a C to OLOR.


[ =http://forums.galacticbattles.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=37993#post37993] [OLOR=red]<<[/color]:jwa[OLOR=red]Join TJC[/color]:jwa[OLOR=red]>>[/color][/url]


And make Join TJC bold and underlined And then, voila!


<<:jawaJoin TJC:jawa>>

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Guest Jedi Jester

Hey, I just copy and pasted what you sid but it looks all crazy. What did I do wrong? I'll leave it so look at one of my posts and see if you can figure it out. Thanks

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Originally posted by silenthunter

Well, we don't have a website yet, but my dad does have Dreamweaver, so hopefully i'll be able to use it and help make a site. BTW, Eets, i've benn thinking of a ranking system, i'll PM you and tell you about it later:D



when will we get one?????????????

and if you want help i can make a website!!!

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All Right! Three new members! Welcome R2-D4 and Delphis Clone!


New list of members:


Cln. Eets'chula 571

Lt. silenthunter 166


Lt. darthfergie 178

Luke Skywalker

Darktrooper 35

Mj. Darth Rommel 713


Link Antilles


Jedi Jester 49




Delphis Clone


Rember, if you want to get a rank, after you play a game, pm me the points. Thanks :)

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it seems like we dont got a website but i can make one cuz i have made alot!!!


so if you want me to make one just post i can get a forum and i can make a good looking site!!!!!



see ya


btw i dont got the game yet and i dont play the demo so much and i get the game on the 11.23.2001

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I have a mission for all of you.


If you can find a web host that supports CGI/Perl 5 with lots of bandwidth for FREE! we will give you a whopping 350 points towards your rank.



It has to be reliable, too. Meaning NO DOWNTIME!

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