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Weighting problem.


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Hey !


Okay, I'm trying to make my model, I made it successfully and I weighted it without problems. I have my textures, my model.glm, my .skin, all is okay but when I look ingame, I've a Kyle. If I look in the Profil (with Ja+) I see this :




I don't know what's the problem, I tried to weight the model 3 times, always the same bug. Have someone any idea ?


PS : Sorry about my language. I'm not english and I know it sucks :p

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Yes french :p But I will speak english for the other people who don't speak french.


Yes there are an error, I don't remember but I find my error. I don't scaled my model but my skeleton (before reset xform, weighting etc). But now it's fixed and my model work ! :) Thanks Psykosith for your answer :)

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