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George Lucas/Expanded Universe

Dark Obi-Wan

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Does any one know if George Lucas has any plans for the Expanded Universe? I was just thinking that with TV shows The Clone Wars and the up coming live action show it would be cool if he did something for The Old Republic era besides just comics and video games.

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Some of the "Film Only" crowd like to take throw away comments like (GL) "The EU isn't my Platform", as "The EU isn't legitimate", so when discussing things like this you sometimes get those types shooting you down. My personal view is he has agreed for this stuff to be made and is free to delve in to it as he pleases, in fact you'd be surprised how much of the Prequel Trilogy is heavily influenced, if not completely created in the EU... so he kinda does use EU, it's just no longer EU when he uses it hehe./rant


Regarding the Old Republic, I think it's a bit to specialized for casual film goers. and to be honest Georges spin on it would probably retcon everything we love in a very care bear saturday morning style, so leave him to his done to death 3 year period we know as the Clone Wars.

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