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Story of a few clones


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So this is basically a story that tells about few clones from theyr childhood to adulthood and about theyr experience in the clone wars.


i would like to have other people join this meaby 8-9 ''players'' if possible. post your ideas and opinions here so i could start to create a story about this guys thanks..


Players that come here i would like to hear about your character and what are there abilities meaby one is a good sharp shooter and the other better whit explosions and so on this may sound a bit republic commando but i want the characters to be basic troopers like a squad of nine people + a Sergeant.. and what legion.. and so on

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This probably should of been posted in the Backstage Casting Call. The DTC is for on going RP's.


It does sound like a good idea, maybe if a little more detail was given. From the sounds of it its during the clone wars.


my character would probably be a good sharp shooter, since how i'm pretty accurate in a war games with a sniper rifle and prefer to use that kind of weapon then any other.

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aa sorry i didnt know about a backstage thing going on :) well as you sed you wanted me to be more specific i just meant that the story would start as the squad members are about 9 years old and from there to the day the empire was born.. sounds good?


and the legion the squad belongs is the 7th legion and then they will go in various of different missions starting from genosis to ? and so forth..


as squad i mean sergeant + 8 troopers and the squad is part fo a legion and in the legions there are meany squads that are commanded by a sergeant and the sergeant is commanded by a lutenant and the lutenant is commanded by a general(commander) and the general by a jedi or they would do team work..

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