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missing dialogue and audio (FoC)


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hey, just wondering if anyone could help me...I have vista home premium and it runs EaW no problem, but then i installed FoC and there were no text files or audio. as in they might be there (I don't know where to look) but they aren't working. my mission objectives were stated as: [MISSING] and for the opening movie of the campain, i heard the music and saw the visual part, but whenever there was dialogue i didn't hear anything and there were no subtitles even when turned on. also, in the game itself, when i click on a unit, they don't acknowledge me. all the units from the original do, but none of the expansion units do. i got the latest patch and now the text files are there, so i know what i'm doing in a mission, but there is still no audio......WHAT DO I DO????!!!

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