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Presumed Simple Mod (Spoiller Warning if Needed)


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Right, I know there are many Darth Revan's Robes Mod's out there, that give you Revan's Robes with the Cape and Mask, however:

I've played my Darkside Character, and gotten bored. So I intend to make a Lightside Character, however, the Starforge robes look horrible.


So... my request:


Could somebody make a Mod of Darth Revan's Robes, that contains both the Cape and the Mask, and is wearable by Lightside Characters?




P.s I thourght it best to put the Spoiller Warnings in, don't want to get told off with my first post on the forums.




Any help would by much appreciated.

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Mhmm, thats a very nice mod. o.O A massive improvement on those horrible robes.

Thanks for the link. :D


I am still interesting in having the 'Darth' Revan's Robes useable for lightside characters, but thats purely because I like the colour black. :D


Again, thankyou, you may have just saved me from falling to the Darkside (again)!!


: )

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