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Screenshot Converter

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Screenshot Converter


Normally to convert the screenshots from KotOR I have to open them all in photoshop and save them individually as JPEG's. Since ConvertShots mirrors the images and I had a spare half an hour i decided to throw this together to quickly save all the images in a specified directory as a separate JPEG.


I was going to throw in a "Delete original TGA's" but I forgot and don't fancy making changes. All I can advise is; change "View" in explorer to "Tiles" and arrange by name, the JPEG's line up on the one side and the Targa's the other :p Alternatively, arrange by file type...

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Normally to convert the screenshots from KotOR I have to open them all in photoshop and save them individually as JPEG's.


Never heard of the automate Batch functions have you :lol:


ahum, this is great though, not everyone has the PS and less know how it all works.


Applaus for this new handy tool!

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