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Barons Hed- Jedi Outcast

Zwier Zak

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The classic from Dark Forces 2. Hope you like it. Don't have time to make proper screen shoots so I just made a quick vid. Hope you like It.





By the way I'm thinking about starting an open source mod with JK maps remade. Yes I know there already is a mod for Jedi Academy in motion but It's been years :¬:. I'm thinking about something more down to earth, Just the basics. No need to make new gun models and a new Kyle model built from scratch. Just the maps, dark jedi, some menus and that's it. Once I'm done with my maps (I'm also making Yun and Jerec) I'm going to releace them with the map files included. And I would other editors to do so as well. This way when someone what's to add something or fix a bug they can just post the map file for everyone to edit and learn from the experience :p Many editors start of with cool looking maps but never finish them. If we had the map files we could edit them and get them finished instead of waiting for them for years. So... tell me am I making any sence :p

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Very nice! It's always good to see maps from a classic game remade. Especially when they are remade with this quality, and not the usual that you see out these days.


My only complaint, very minor I know, is that the texture on the surface of the water looks like it is repeating too much, and the lighting inside the building looks just a bit too bright on the surface of the water. I haven't edited Jedi Outcast for along time now, so I'm not certain how lighting reacts on the surface of water. Other than that, it looks great!

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