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The Empire Changes Strategy


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The Mandalorians reduced to puppets of the Sith, what a disgrace.



And calling the Sith "the Empire" at least helps deal with the confusion of a Sith class. If you call the entire faction the Sith, you risk confusion when you refer to the Sith Warrior. "The Sith are a part of the Sith", something like that.

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What A load of Pony... Although, now I know that "Mandalore" Is in no way a true Mandalore I can deal with the stupid Helmet, well put together time-line, but hella crap story. They'll have time-lines about How Sith like to go on Vacation with there friends and family next.

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On a side note, I smell yet another Sith class...
Mandalorian Warrior (or something else since we already have Sith Warrior)? I had been hoping and kind of thinking this was a coming Sith class since a previous one of these videos, the Sith will really have an awesome class lineup IMO if this is true.
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What A load of Pony... Although, now I know that "Mandalore" Is in no way a true Mandalore I can deal with the stupid Helmet, well put together time-line, but hella crap story. They'll have time-lines about How Sith like to go on Vacation with there friends and family next.


I really quite like these time-line things; and to be fair I quite like this plot line, this may of course be because I dislike Mandalorians; at least the Sith are honest about their bloodlust; Mandalorians try and hide their horrific acts behind some sort of "honour code". Besides, it at least seems to me, that the Mandalorians were Manipulated into the Mandalorian War by the Sith - Canderous says as much in K1.

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I had "Imperial Spy" in mind, but I suppose that it's inevitable that we'll also see some Mandalorian Fanboy Fantasy Fulfillment™.
Ah duh, that one should have been obvious as well. Well, those two could be the last two Sith classes possibly.
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Besides, it at least seems to me, that the Mandalorians were Manipulated into the Mandalorian War by the Sith - Canderous says as much in K1.
I always interpreted it as the Mandalorians were "pushed" into their Neo-Crusades through external True Sith pressure/force, rather than a behind-the-scenes coup. I felt that the Mandalorian Wars was simply a diversion to cripple both the Republic and the Jedi, in order for the True Sith to reveal themselves immediately afterwards the conflict's resolution.


Of course, I wouldn't consider 300 years to be "immediately afterwards", but to each his own.

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1) PastramiX, you are close. The most likely reason is that the True Sith were still building up, so they wanted to keep the Republic from continuing to grow. Thus, the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War significantly weakened them, even though they ultimately recovered.


2) The reason why the Sith Empire seems so much like the Galactic Empire and there are no Ancient Sith running around is that:


a) The Ancient Sith are now very few in numbers.

b) Most of the Sith Empire's new population are people of the Republic seduced into serving under the Sith banner. A lot of those people were probably the sort of individuals who would be Imperials in the Galactic Empire.

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Agreed that just made me have second thoughts about my class...



Well I didn't mean it like that. I intend on playing a Republic Trooper anyways, so these revelations don't change anything about my class choice. I've doubted Mandalorians as a class for a while now(Bounty Hunter kinda fits that niche). Imperial Agent as a class works though.

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Mmm, I'm not entirely sure what my feelings are on this. We got hints in KotOR about the outlying forces that pushed the Mandalorian Wars upon the Republic, but, only three hundred years later, they've been reduced to a puppet of the Sith.


Of course, the main reason I'm distressed is because my vision of the shadow-lurking, devious Sith Empire is being bashed by repeated videos of 'Imperial' (gorramit, they had to use the same name?) Intelligence, accompanied by pictures of remarkably-similar-to-OT garbed Imperials. So much for my view of lurking, dangerous Sith.


At any rate, I think that having a 'puppet' faction of the Mandalorians is entirely plausible, but a little odd, considering that the Mandalorians seek to find the worthiest/biggest battle they can, and the Sith Empire would seem a logical choice for such a battle.


I'm a bit disappointed at the similarities between the 'Sith Empire' and the Empire, but I sincerely hope that they think of an original story/plot line (hmmm, why does the plot of having a Sith Lord initiate a war that brings the Republic to its knees sound familiar? [there are numerous other ways to destroy the Republic than waging war, for goodness' sake]).

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Sith aren't known for subtlety(Palpatine aside). They're more about brute force. On the name, I think that helps lure in non-KotOR fans who knew about the original movies. What other name would they go by? Sith Triumvirate? Sith States of America? Calling them just Sith would be confusing, since they have a class that goes by that name too.

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Perhaps, but it just feels... old. The plot feels like I've seen it already, and something far more sinister could have been undertaken to undermine the Republic. Not everything falls by bayonet. Subtlety worked for Kreia, if my memory recalls. She worked all angles from the shadows, and brought down the Sith and the Jedi.


As for a name, anything besides something that includes 'Empire.' We already had the Empire, we don't need a Sith Empire. At least, in my opinion.

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