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Star Wars In Concert

Darth Groovy

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If this has been posted somewhere else, go ahead and move it...



In a strange twist of fate, my mom, my dad, my sister all plan on going to see this:




And I am going too...the joke is, I am the big Star Wars geek of the family, and this was THERE idea. I never planned on going, because I don't like doing gigs like this by myself. This time it was there idea... :giveup:

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...I hadn't heard about this at all until now, and I really want to see it O.o


I see that they have a show in Chicago, but the ticket details for that specific venue aren't on the site yet. I assume that's the one you're seeing, Groovy?


And awesome, by the way. It's actually really cool that they brought it up, haha =]

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Looks like an incredible experience. However, I don't have $175 right now to blow on concert tickets, or at least my wife says I don't. Stupid Christmas right around the corner with three kids to buy presents for! :mad:


jk - I'll gladly give up a concert to see my kids faces lit up brighter than the tree on Christmas morning, even a Star Wars concert! :)

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Any ideas what you're getting them?


My oldest son, he's easy: Wii and DS games


My Daughter is still pretty easy to buy for: Anything pinky and/or cuddly (i.e. Stuffed animals/webkinz/barbie/My little pony etc.)


My Youngest son is only 2 and just about anything that lights up makes sounds or moves is A-O-K!


Get them a Star Wars concert for Christmas.


Well, then it would be an additional $225 in tickets. And that would be a $400 concert. Don't get me wrong, I Absolutely LOVE Williams, and especially his Star Wars scores, and of course love all things Star Wars, but I can't justify spending $400 on a single concert. Maybe if I was young and single with less responsibilities, but I just can't let myself do it anymore! :(

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How old are your oldest and your daughter? I'm assuming they're rather young due to what you're getting them.


Also, in b4 someone posts a Chris Hanson reference, just tryin to make conversation make this place seem more active :¬:


Also, Groovy, I'm totally jealous of you and hope you get some kind of virus while you're there.

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