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Mod Request - Changes to Jedi classes for KotOR1


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Specifically, I'd like the feat and skill-point progression to be near-identical to their similar non-jedi counterparts.


Soldier = Jedi Guardian

Scout = Jedi Sentinel

Scoundrel = Jedi Consular


I'd like the Guardian to gain as many feats as the Soldier, the Sentinel to gain the implant feats automatically as well as the amount of skill points the Scout enjoys, and the Consular to gain Sneak Attack feats as well as the amount of skill points the Scoundrel enjoys.


Since the Sentinel and Consular classes would be gaining a lot more skill points, I'd like all the Jedi characters to have class skills identical to the non-jedi class counterparts, if possible.


Juhani = Guardian

Bastila = Sentinel

Jolee = Consular


Also, in regards to skill point gain, I noticed that the amount of skill points you gain after level 1 is always enough to master one skill less than what you can master at level 1. I'd like that changed as well.


Finally, when you first make a character and are messing with the starting attribute points, you're given 30 points to spend. I'd like that upped to 32 points.


If all of these changes are possible, great. If not, that's ok. The most important change to me is the feat progression for Guardians. <_<

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