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Getting Kaurora to work on Win7 Win7 Professional 64b


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I hope someone can help me out to get a small program working again on my PC.

I could have posted this into the modding section of the Kotor games, but I feel I might get better responses over here.


So this is my problem; over a year ago, I switched from XP 32b to Win7 Professional 64b. All of my games and other programs made no fuss about using another OS and if they did, I got it solved easley.


But, boy, Kaurora, a small tool I use to make stuff for the Kotor games, just refuses to work. Here's what I tried: Looked up threads here on LF about the program, found out that I need Netframework 3.5...


But, WIN7 already has this installed from the start... though, after a bit of googling I found out that WIN7 sort of "hides" the Netframework to programs, well little programs like Kaurora, who seem not to be able to detect that I've got the .Net 3.5 installed.


I even installed the whole SDK... which made older versions of Kaurora start, but then it crashes whenever I actually try and make it do something...


I also had contact with MagnusII, the lad who made the program, he was baffled it didn't work, as he made sure it should work on a 64b OS and all that jazz.


Other crazy stuff I tried was using a virtual machine to run XP, but that didn't go well either :lol:


Ofcourse I tried the rightclick => compatibilty set to XP SP3 and all that.

But nothing seemed to helped me out and so here I am... wondering what I could do next.


Any tips are welcome, else I'll try again to bug MagnusII about it.

Thanks in advance :)

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If it used to work on XP I don't see why it wouldn't work on a VM running XP x86 as long as it's all up to date...


Well my XP on the VM machine wasn't a very well updated version, but I still have a PC here at home running XP. I've updated the whole .Netframework on that machine aswell, though didn't install the SDK thing.


Oddly enough Kaurora refused to work there aswell, which is just weird; as it worked on my XP perfectly... :confused:


But it seems, there isn't much that can be done about it, I'll try and contact Magnus again, hopefully he might have some info to help out.


Thanks for the reply though :)

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Well; I did a bit more research and found an old readme back from Kaurora, seems I needed the SDK from Directx9.0 aswell. Installed the SDK, but still it didn't work on WIN7.


But, I took all my crazy install files from .NET and the DirectX SDK and installed it all on the VM machine running XP. And, success! I got it working. It's a major detour, but at least I can now use it again :p


Somehow your post reminded me I didn't install everything I needed, on both the VM and my reall OS :lol:



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