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LucasArts hires back dude who worked on Republic Commando


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I'd rather have a new Starfighter game for PC, than a new Republic Commando...


I'm with you on that. Rogue Squadron was one of my most favourite SW games. If they came out with something like that I'd be ecstatic.


Of course, I'd still take RC2 over (yet) another LEGO/CW game.

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Battlefront wasn't that great anyway. It's basically just Battlefield 2142 with a Star Wars mod, except not as good and for consoles.


Now, Jedi Knight 3, X-Wing 2, Imperial Commando, I'd be all over those like a hobo on a ham sammich.

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Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces V: X-Wing of the Old Republic Commando ---- Podracing Clones Unleashed ---- Lego Battlefront


Fixed. o_Q


Fixed into 3 projects of varying quality. Good tier, Bad tier, and Your Mileage May Vary/Haven't Played It tier. **Edit: Obviously these tiers are based on completely subjective opinions, since there's no way to objectively rate games. If you disagree with me, your opinion has just as much value as mine (little to none). I have no intention of writing a ton of words explaining why I did or didn't enjoy these games.**


The good one will be announced, cause joy, and then be canceled to redirect dev funds to the bad tier game. Everyone involved in its creation will be fired.


The bad one will be released, and will make a decent (though not amazing) profit. Everyone involved in its creation will be fired.


The YMMV/Haven't played tier one might make it out the door, if developed outside Lucasarts. It will most likely sell well. Anyone involved in its creation who works at Lucasarts, not an external dev, will be fired.


Lucasarts will have another bad year, and get another new President. A brief spark of hope will be lit. Some dare to think that this time things will be different. But the more jaded among us know that Lucasarts getting a new President is like an abusive alcoholic spouse getting a new favorite drink. Their breath might smell different, but they're still going to hurt you.


The new President then announces the novel Human Resource Position Essentiality Examination Series, or HuRPEES, a brilliant series of limited restructuring events with the aim of a large scale reduction in force. This curtailment and rationalization of the workforce will give alternate career exploration opportunities to many employees, by dramatically decreasing position-redundant resources. At the end of the day, this reorganization of working staff will allow Lucasarts to leverage its core competencies and develop positive synergies, resulting in a shift towards a new, value-added, corporate paradigm, with a focus on low-hanging fruit solutions offering prime demographic consumer appeal, at the cost of a minor decrease in long-term consumer retention. In other words, HuRPEES is a win-win, getting everyone at Lucasarts on the same page, thinking out of the box, in order to achieve profitable, customer-centric solutions and increase visibility in the social media era.


Rinse and repeat.

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But the more jaded among us know that Lucasarts getting a new President is like an abusive alcoholic spouse getting a new favorite drink. Their breath might smell different, but they're still going to hurt you.



My New Sig lol

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How is Podracing and Unleashed a bad tier? Both games were fairly well received. Specially the first.


I won't speak to Racer, because I didn't play it.


But just because something is well received doesn't make it good, it just makes it popular. Lots of things are popular. Like plot-less lightsaber duels, samey Brown cover-based shooters, and breast implants. That doesn't make them a good idea. In fact, they're all pretty much terrible. I refuse to judge the quality of something by how much money it made.

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But just because something is well received doesn't make it good, it just makes it popular. Lots of things are popular. Like plot-less lightsaber duels, samey Brown cover-based shooters, and breast implants. That doesn't make them a good idea. In fact, they're all pretty much terrible. I refuse to judge the quality of something by how much money it made.


I'm not talking about money, Mr.


But what makes something good, then?

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I'm not talking about money, Mr.


But what makes something good, then?


Whether the person currently judging its worth likes it or not determines whether they think it's good. There is absolutely no entirely objective way to declare a game good or bad. Different people will like, or not like, different things.


I feel like I've helped things a bit off topic with this, and for that I apologize.

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