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Star Wars: The Darkness Within

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"Corsail? Are you all right? What broke?"


Corsail turned to the door as he heard Per'dra's voice. He unlocked the door and opened it, putting an expression of worry on his face. "I'm alright, I was just coming out to see if this had happened anywhere else on the ship." He turned and looked at the shattered light on the wall, "I was just sitting on the bed when the light shattered, is the rest of the ship okay?" he asked in an all too worried tone.

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One does not become a Jedi Knight without possessing some rudimentary sense, through the Force, of when someone's hiding something. Nevertheless, Per'dra, though she had this talent, did not wish to pry Corsail's secret out of him, if he even had one. Thus, she raised an eyebrow and commented, "As far as I can tell, none of the other lights on the ship have spontaneously broken. I'm glad you're not injured, so I'll leave you be." She turned slowly towards the medbay.

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Bridge of the Shan


"Everyone started to board, Corsail was all kinds of upset about Avriela coming on the ship. Varik tried to return her lightsaber, Per'dra took it. Everyone minus Corsail and Traver were okay with at least hearing her story, but Corsail flipped again. Traver was freaked out to. I held my lightsaber to the back of Traver's head untill Varik disarmed Corsail and threw his blasters to me. I plucked them from the air and trained them on Corsail and Traver untill Zarev resolved the situation. Then, everyone went up the ramp and to where they wanted to go. I think that's it."


Vlalkor shook his head in slight disbelief. Corsail seemed to be causing all sorts of problems. Not to mention that in Vlalkor's opinion, he was dangerously paranoid. But Traver...He thought he was a bit more level headed then that. Still, if he had been in Traver's position he might have reacted the same way.


"I think we need to keep an eye on Traver and Corsail...well, mostly Corsail. He's dangerously paranoid about...well everyone from what I've heard."


Vlalkor took a look down at the controls and noticed that they were about halfway to Balmorra already.


Times flys when you least expect it to, he thought as he adjusted a few switches to slightly dim the lights on the bridge. He was getting a bit of a headache and he was hoping it would help.


A small light suddenly flashed for a moment. Vlalkor took a quick look at it and shrugged. It looked like a light in one of the rooms had blown out. Probably a power surge.


"Next time we set down in a safe area we should probably take a look at some of the ship's systems just to be on the safe side."



Avriela took a quick look at Varik and then at Zarev as Per'dra left the room. "I don't mean to pry, but is Corsail always that paranoid? I know that as a former sith I haven't earned the trust that you all share but his reaction seemed to be a bit...excessive to say the least."


Zarev thought for a moment. "I don't know that much about him to be honest. He joined us on Coruscant. What about you Varik? Do you know anything about him?"

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"What about you Varik? Do you know anything about him?"


Varik shrugged. "I think all of his paranoia stemmed from my being possessed by Tulak Hord. It isn't something he understands very well, or at all, for that matter. He's a wee bit too trigger happy."


"The reason I walked in here was because I have an apology to make, and of course, a story to boot.", he said with a chuckle. "Once Per'dra's finished with Corsail, of course. I shiver at the thought. She seems very...vicious.", he said with a grin.

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"Yeah, looks like a minor power problem. For now, you'd be safe just cutting the power to that socket. I'm not familiar with this model but there should be a switch over there.." Light pointed over to where a secondary power control station with several switches and buttons were on a desk like area with a seat in front of them.


"Wouldn't it be more efficient to have an additional systems controller on the bridge? I'm surprised you guys didn't assign someone else here with you."


Light had picked up on a lot of ship information before the sacking of Coruscant, and since then he hadn't had a problem flying most ships. Personally, he preferred solid ground, but sometimes you have to fly.

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((The next post will have us arriving on Balmorra. I suggest that everyone be ready. ;)))


"The reason I walked in here was because I have an apology to make, and of course, a story to boot. Once Per'dra's finished with Corsail, of course. I shiver at the thought. She seems very...vicious.",


Zarev smiled slightly. "She can be a very dangerous woman at times. She was able to escape Korriban and that makes her a very capable person in my eyes."


Zarev then turned to look at Avriela and than back at Varik. "Speaking of Corsail...I need to know that I have your support in locking him in the cargo hold if he gets too far out of line. I refuse to kill him but he may need to be incapacitated if he tries to kill anyone else."



Avriela nodded and shrugged. "It's not like he can hate me anymore then he already does and I don't want him killing anyone. You have my word that I'll help you in the need arises."





"Yeah, looks like a minor power problem. For now, you'd be safe just cutting the power to that socket. I'm not familiar with this model but there should be a switch over there.. Wouldn't it be more efficient to have an additional systems controller on the bridge? I'm surprised you guys didn't assign someone else here with you."


Vlalkor raised his eyebrows slightly. He was suprised that someone other than him knew how to operate the ship. He quickly cut power to the socket and grinned."


"I thought that as well, but from what I heard, there wasn't time to find anyone else to fly the ship when the situation came up. And I was the only member that Havoc squad could spare that had flight experience. You seem to know quite abit about the ship, I'd be happy to have you as a co-pilot up here."

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"Great. I'd hate to have nothing to do during transit."


Light walks to the additional seat and places a hand on it. "I barely know anyone, who isn't busy or mad at me. The Republic doesn't like to give out much information to... what did they call me.. an "outside contractor"."


Light sits and asks, "Do you have any hobbies?" while he turns towards the complicated systems in front of him and begins familiarizing himself.

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......your support in locking him in the cargo hold if he gets too far out of line. I refuse to kill him but he may need to be incapacitated if he tries to kill anyone else."


Corsail heard part of their conversation as he walked around the corridor of the ship, he figured they were talking about him. "Zarev, you do know that theres probably going to be another ambush on balmorra right? This time even bigger then the one on tatooine."


He paused, turning his head toward Avriela, "Because of certain setbacks, whoever is helping the rouge jedi has had plenty of time to prepare for us. So if you don't mind me making a suggestion, I say we land away from the spaceport avoiding any traps they could have set for us. Since we decided to take the speeder bikes that we found on tatooine with us, travel should be pretty fast."


He leaned against the ships wall and crossed his arms. "What do you think?"

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"Because of certain setbacks, whoever is helping the rouge jedi has had plenty of time to prepare for us. So if you don't mind me making a suggestion, I say we land away from the spaceport avoiding any traps they could have set for us. Since we decided to take the speeder bikes that we found on tatooine with us, travel should be pretty fast."


"Hey, I was a helluva larger setback than her. Take your paranoia somewhere else, I don't have the patience to continue speaking with you.", Varik said in an agitated tone.


He rested his face in his palm. Avirela was barely a setback, at least compared to him. The increasing distrust between the members of the mission is proving to be very annoying, and unnecessary.

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Corsail turned towards Varik with a scowl on his face, "And what makes you think I wasn't talking about you?" he asked through gritted teeth, "Infact, I would go as far to say that I trust her more then you, not that it was very hard for her to accomplish."


He turned back to Zarev to block Varik from his vision, "Anyway, I really do think we should inform Vlalkor to land away from the spaceport, It will most likely save us alot of trouble, and time."

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"Infact, I would go as far to say that I trust her more then you, not that it was very hard for her to accomplish."


"Even though you tried to kill her not too long ago? As well as Light and Traver?", Varik replied, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

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"Even though you tried to kill her not too long ago? As well as Light and Traver?", Varik replied, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.


Corsail looked at Varik with a suprised expression on his face, "Whats this? You're talking to me again? Just a few seconds ago you said you had no more patience to talk to me. Really jedi, you should make up your mind." He cut the sarcastic tone out of his voice and continued,


"You are really getting on my nerves Varik, I'm here trying to make a suggestion and all you can do is whine and complain about everything, I thought jedi were supposed to be better then that."

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"I barely know anyone, who isn't busy or mad at me. The Republic doesn't like to give out much information to... what did they call me.. an "outside contractor"."


Vlalkor thought for a moment. "I'm sure once this mission is over, Havoc squad could find you a posting somewhere. I might even be able to convince my CO to give you a posting in the squad if your interested."


"Do you have any hobbies?"


Vlalkor smiled as he looked over at his blaster rifle that was hanging from the wall. "One of my big hobbies is modifying weapons in any way that I can. I'm actually pretty good at it. You give me any type of energy weapon and I'm pretty sure I can make it better."





"Anyway, I really do think we should inform Vlalkor to land away from the spaceport, It will most likely save us alot of trouble, and time."


Zarev thought for a moment and nodded and headed for the bridge. He looked at Vlalkor. "We're going to try and avoid the spaceport just in case we have a welcoming commite waiting for us here. Try and find us somewhere else to land."


Vlalkor nodded. "Yes sir. We're about to come out of hypersapce as well."


Vlalkor grabbed the lever and the ship shuddered once as the ship dropped out of hyperspace above Balmorra.


"Stand by..." He told Light. As he took the ship closer in to Balmorra he began scanning the area for an area to land the ship at. After a few minutes he found one.


He activated the intercom. "Attention, we've arrived at Balmorra. As you may or may not know, Balmorra is currently the site of a battle between Republic and Imperial forces. Stay sharp out there and keep your head down once the shooting starts. We'll be landing in a few moments. That is all."


The ship shook slightly as Vlalkor brought it in for a landing and he could hear parts of it clickling slightly as the ship settled.


"Alright, everybody. We've landed."

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"I'm sure once this mission is over, Havoc squad could find you a posting somewhere. I might even be able to convince my CO to give you a posting in the squad if your interested."


"I hadn't heard of many Havoc Squad Jedi. Plus the problem with that would be chain of command. If I recieved an order that went against my morals, I probably wouldn't follow it."


Vlalkor smiled as he looked over at his blaster rifle that was hanging from the wall. "One of my big hobbies is modifying weapons in any way that I can. I'm actually pretty good at it. You give me any type of energy weapon and I'm pretty sure I can make it better."


"That include lightsabers?" Light queried, interested in this skill.




"Yes sir. We're about to come out of hypersapce as well."


Light waited, as this process was mostly controlled by the pilot. He pressed a few buttons which made the transition a little more smooth.


"Stand by..."

The ship shook slightly as Vlalkor brought it in for a landing and he could hear parts of it clickling slightly as the ship settled.


Light pressed several different buttons, mostly damage-preventive measures for the ship. "You know, some of these ships really need a co-pilot to land without taking damage? Especially away from a spaceport."


"Alright, everybody. We've landed."

Light sat back in his chair, silently pleased, he placed his hands behind his head.


"Zarev, what's the plan?"

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"I hadn't heard of many Havoc Squad Jedi. Plus the problem with that would be chain of command. If I recieved an order that went against my morals, I probably wouldn't follow it."


Vlalkor leaned back in the pilot's chair and grinned. "To be honest, you would be the first jedi in Havoc squad. And to be honest, I would probably do the same thing if an order went against my morals. But suprisingly, that situation comes up pretty rarely and the Commander always does the right thing. I've seen him detain war criminals rather then kill them."


"The Commander has earned the respect of everyone in our squad. He's pulled us through countless battles. I would trust him with my life."


"That include lightsabers?"


Vlalkor grinned again. "Yup. I don't really understand the different crystals that some jedi use on their lightsabers and the opportunity to work on them comes along only once in a great while but if I have the right tools I can usually improve them quite abit. In fact, I once helped rebuild one after it was nearly destroyed in combat."


"You know, some of these ships really need a co-pilot to land without taking damage? Especially away from a spaceport."


"Agreed." Vlalkor said as Zarev walked onto the bridge.


"Zarev, what's the plan?"


"The plan is get to the main republic base here. The ship that Voleran stole on Tatooine was a republic vessel. It's likely he landed it somewhere else on the planet but it wouldn't hurt to check with the main republic base. They also might be able to tell us where the ship landed. If we catch up with Voleran the plan is to approach with extreme caution. He didn't reach the rank of Jedi master by preaching wisdom and peace. The Mandalorians consider him a worthy foe."


"Alright everyone. Grab your weapons and lets get going."

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Per'dra retrieved her own silver saberstaff from the armory, and also Avriela's lightsaber. It's strange, she thought to herself as she did so, how I haven't gotten a new weapon after--well, what happened on Coruscant. That was where I finally managed to kill Master Karos, and not just defeat her. A lightsaber leaves its mark upon you, in more ways than one...


Heading toward the medbay, she met Avriela once more. "Here. It's time to move out, and if you would, stay close to me. I could stand to watch someone's 'six', and have them watch mine. You never know what might happen out there."

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After hearing the intercom, he remembered about Kif. He picked up the comatose body and threw it over his shoulder.


"The base should have a med bay that could give him cybernetic eyes. C'mon, the sooner we get there, the sooner we find Voleran.", he said, purposely throwing his shoulder into Corsail's chest as he was walking out.


He walked to the cockpit, where he assumed Vlalkor and Light were. "Hey, is the boarding ramp down yet?", he asked in a slightly hurried tone.

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"Here. It's time to move out, and if you would, stay close to me. I could stand to watch someone's 'six', and have them watch mine. You never know what might happen out there."


Avriela took the offered lightsaber and clipped it to her belt. The double-bladed lightsaber left a comforting weight on her belt. The lightsaber had saved her life on many occasions and she doubted she would ever be able to give it up.


"Don't worry." Avriela said with a smile. "I'll be sure to make sure you stay safe. I doubt Zarev would forgive me if anything happend to you or the others. Not to mention Corsail would probably try to kill me if anything happend."





"The base should have a med bay that could give him cybernetic eyes. C'mon, the sooner we get there, the sooner we find Voleran.",


"Agreed." Zarev said as he made sure that his lightsaber was securely attached to his belt.


"Hey, is the boarding ramp down yet?",


Vlalkor hit a few buttons and the ramp quickly descended to the ground and hit it with a dull thud. "It is now." He said. "I'm going to assume that someone is going to have to stay behind and make sure that no one steals the ship."


"And I assume that I'm the one who stays behind." Zarev nodded to Vlalkor. "We might need a quick pickup in case anything goes wrong. Keep the sensors active as well and let us know if anything goes wrong."


"Yes Sir." Vlalkor said as he saluted.


Zarev suddenly turned around. "I wonder where Traver is? I haven't seen him since we left Tatooine."

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Corsail searched through the armory but couldn't find his blasters. Light had them last, he must of put them somewehre else. Just as he remembered who had his weapons, Varik bumped into him, shoving him against the ships wall. "I'm amazed you can avoid tripping over your own ego." he spat after Varik, as he clutched at his wounded arm.


He quickly followed after the others to the main hold, hoping to find Light there.


"I wonder where Traver is? I haven't seen him since we left Tatooine."



"I saw him shut himself up in his room before I went to my quarters, thats probably where he's at." he answered to Zarev as he joined the group. He turned towards the exit ramp with a frown, "Why is every nerve in my body screaming that this planet is going to be swarmed with imperials?" he asked to no one in particular. "And why do I have to waste time looking for my guns on this blasted ship!"

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"Sorry you're getting left here, Vlalkor." Light said after the boarding ramp came down. He stood up, and began to walk off towards the cargo bay, before saying, "We'll talk more when I get back, alright?"


Light quickly walked to the cargo bay and retrieved the blasters from their hiding place, taped in the air vent. He went towards the exit ramp, as he heard the general noise from that direction.


He spied Corsail as he made his little speech about his feeling the planet would be crawling with imperials and having to search for his blasters. Light handed him his blasters, and when Corsail grabbed them, Light held on to say, "Point them at the enemy, and you won't have to search for them next time."

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"Point them at the enemy, and you won't have to search for them next time."


"Well, maybe if this team would stop acting like my enemy I would stop pointing it at them." He snatched his weapons away from Light and holstered them. "It was probably a smart move on your part though, I could have sliced through that pathetic armory lock with my eyes closed." He braged.


"We're taking the speeders right?" he asked Zarev, who was standing across from him.

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Oh, no...More fighting? I thought we'd already established a truce before landing here on Balmorra. Oh, well. The Sith are going to have their hands full trying to decide who's the most filled with rage!


Out loud, Per'dra said, "I can't help but think Corsail's right. Balmorra isn't the most peaceful of worlds, although with its almost-total abundance of industrial sites, we can find plenty of places to hide if we need to. At least, I hope so."

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"We'll talk more when I get back, alright?"


Vlalkor nodded. "Sounds good. All of you...be safe out there. And if you run into any imperial squads be sure to blast em."


"We're taking the speeders right?"


Zarev nodded as he headed over to one of them. "Correct. Balmorra from what I heard is filled with toxins from the various factories across the planet. The speeder's should get us to the main republic base quickly so we're not exposed for too long of a time."


"I can't help but think Corsail's right. Balmorra isn't the most peaceful of worlds, although with its almost-total abundance of industrial sites, we can find plenty of places to hide if we need to. At least, I hope so."


Zarev thought for a moment. "We can't let any imperial forces know that we're here otherwise our job is going to get a lot more difficult. In the event that we can't hide or we're spotted before we can reach a hiding spot we're going to have to take out any imperials that spot us."


He looked across the group.


"Is everyone ready?"

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