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SWTOR: Part I: The Pursuit of Revenge


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Part I of a three part series of Varik Athzaria's tale of pain, strength, and vindication, written by LDR.




The city of Iziz fell into dusk. The Prael sun set, altering the normal cobalt blue of the sky into an orange-yellow hue from where it sat on the horizon. The city's market square was unnaturally tame, as two bankers walked through the empty streets to their house. One of them was a tall, broad-shouldered man, with silver eyes and wispy blonde-white hair. The other was much more slender, with icy blue eyes, and shoulder length auburn hair.


Placing his hand on the holopad door control, the door opened with a soft whir. He walked into the basement to grab two wine glasses, and a bottle of Coruscant Red Wine. He walked back up the stairs, and filled the glasses to their brims, handing the second glass to his wife. Grabbing a remote, he turned on a view screen in the lounge.


"Unbelievable, they're actually signing a treaty with those Sith animals.", the woman said, observing the screen.


"Seems like they have too, they wrecked the Jedi Temple.", the man replied.


"They what?"


"Yeah, they sacked Coruscant. Killed Master Ven Zallow and numerous others."


"What about Varik? Is he fine?"


"He's fine. He has to be. I'm going to try to get a shuttle to Coruscant tomorrow, and if he isn't there, I might try Tython."


"But s-", she started to say, but started choking violently. She was lifted into the air, and was unable to scream as her trachea was violently crushed. Her lifeless body slumped to the ground.


"Saera!", he screamed.


A Miraluka in onyx-colored robes materialized out of the shadows, having cloaked himself using the Force mere moments ago.


Thinking quickly, the man unsheathed a custom-made phrik vibrosword that was mounted on the adjacent wall.


"You won't get out of this alive.", the man said.


"Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.", Zhein said with a grin, as he used the Force to slam the man into the parallel wall.


Pushing himself off of the ground, the man advanced on Zhein, horizontally slashing at Zhein's midsection. As it tore through the robe, it did little to the metal that was underneath. He realized too late that it was cortosis. Zhein grabbed the man's wrist, and twisted it until the man fell to the ground, clenching his teeth.


"Master!", a droid, H4-7X exclaimed. It retracted metal from it's wrists, revealing hidden laser cannons.


It opened fire on Zhein, and he ignited one blade of his double-bladed lightsaber, reflecting the shots back towards the droid. The distraction was enough for the man to recuperate and rush back towards Zhein. He parried numerous strikes from the man, who fought with speed and vigor, briefly throwing Zhein off balance. H4-7X unloaded another volley, and Zhein simply Force-shoved the droid into a wall. Parrying another strike, he activated the second blade of his lightsaber, catching the man off balance.


He blocked another strike, punched the man in the jaw, and twirled until the blade impaled the man in the torso. H4-7X attempted one final volley, but Zhein threw his lightsaber as it cut the droid in two. The man, slumped on the ground, glared at Zhein, unable to pull himself back up. Zhein used the Force to choke the man, until the life left from his body.


"Master, Saera and Korre Athzaria are dead.", Zhein said into his comlink.


"Excellent work Zhein. We are one step closer for our plan to come to fruition.", Javir replied.


"Forgive me Master, but what is so important about the Athzarias?", Zhein wondered.


"They are among King Hodon Kira's closest, and most powerful allies. They also have an affinity for Force-sensetivity, but the only member of the family that actually received Jedi training was Varik, and he was undoubtedly killed on the Sacking of Coruscant. Either that, or he has gone into hiding.", replied Javir.


"Understood, Master. What else do you command me to do?", Zhein asked.


"I already have plans for the King's death. My role as Head Councilor of the Council of Lords should allow me to be the successor. But for now, hunt the others of the Athzaria family. Uncles, aunts, cousins, and especially the spacer, Tayren, Varik's brother.", Javir replied.


"And then Iziz shall be ours. I shall get to work immediately, Master.", Zhein said, shutting off the comlink.


He moved to the bodies, picking them up. As he walked to the balcony, he felt the rushing water of a river flowing just outside the wall, via Force Sight. He walked through the door to dump the bodies into the river - taking the vibrosword with him as a trophy.


Note: After the landslide of what was my original story, I've decided to rewrite it. Hoo-rah!

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