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10 Things I have learned


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First off this in no way reflects on the Harbinger server as I am not on that server but on the Shadowlands server. I am interested to see tho if you guys and gals have come across the same thing.


1. This is not a bad game. Quirks and patches and little things aside this is a great game to play. If you liked KOTOR and TSL I highly recommend this game for you. Aside from some WTF Lore moments you will like this game.


2. I highly suggest playing a ranged character if you feel you can't be a Tank or Healer. Everyone is looking for ranged DPS because everyone wants to be a Jedi. As a gunslinger my guild is always asking me if I want to join an OPs becuase they don't have enough lvl50 RDPS.


3. If you are going to do hard mode flashpoints try doing most of them with your guild. I have come across a major problem with this as the group finder que always puts me with people who want to skip everything, and I mean even the last boss if possible just to get 5 Black Hole Comms instead of gear and the other drops you might get. This is the only major problem I have with this MMO. If you suggest you need gear wether it be for yourself or a comp they always have doctor appointments or have to get the kids from school at 11am and such nonsense. Your guild will understand so try to do them with them.


4. There are groupies in MMO's. What I mean is there are certain people who you might help out at one point and all of a sudden you are their best friend and chaperone for the rest of the game. I love helping people out because early on I didn't get the help on Heroics and such (see 5) so I will offer to help when I see someone asking over and over for help with a Heroic or even a class quest. Problem is sometimes they think you will be there all the time. Try to nip this in the bud as soon as possible. I a mnot saying don't help non guildmates just saying be careful with it.


5. I know 90% of the guys who play MMO's know that most of the girl toons are actually guys. Doesn't matter they will offer help if you are playing a female toon. As a male Gunslinger noone wanted to join me on Heroics at any time unless A) It was someone I helped out previously and they probably felt guilty or B) After I got a female toon in themix I had them ask for help and suddenly everyone wants to help.


Case in point: I am on Tatooine and I need the WB Trapjaw I think to complete a daily or weekly from the fleet. I go to his place and send out a call for the WB anyone interested. Crickets was my answer. Noone needed or wanted the WB at that time. I am lvl50 at this point and doing this daily late. I recruit Jaayna, a female toon who I think is actually female from the way she chats, to help me. I had helped her on Alderaan and some of her Tatooine quests she was trying to do underleveled. 5 minutes after I had asked she asks and lo and behold we have a group of 16 which is overkill on this boss.


I don't mind this at that all just pointing out a learned experiance from this game. Only way I was able to get into later Heroics was to wait until someone else asked and join them. As my female Jedi everyone wants to help.


6. If you can find a best friend who is a healer hold onto them. Or if you are a healer and can find one who is a tank. I met one guy who I helped on Tatooine with a Heroic I also needed who was a healer. After we both reached 50 we found ourselves running into each other and finally just joined up all the time for the Dailies and FP's. Only time he has let me die is if he died before me in a larger group or it was a situation where we didn't know what was going to unfold. I think of him as my best friend in this game and we are currently leveling 2 jedi together and probably are going to start 2 imps together. He has several toons while I only have the 2 so far and heknows the Imp side. I also managed to get him into the guild I am in which makes it better.


7. Find a guild, I know most of you if not all are in TWC which is great. But if you are guildless and on another server like I am don't just join a guild to jion a guild like I did. Make sure it is the right guild for you before joining. I lucked out and havemade several friends in this guild but it won't be like that for everyone.


8. If you can craft MK6 kits you become everyones best friend. And if you can craft Advanced items they love you even more.


9. Ask questions. Even if someone blows you off and calls you noob ask questions. Alot of people who play this game play because they love Star Wars and will gladly help you out with any questions you have about playstyle or tactics or even showing you how to do a Daily run economically.


10. Have fun. Its a game and is meant to be enjoyed. Ignore most of the stupid comments made in general chat and most comments made about you. Most people only make these comments because they know they won't make them to your face in the real world. Enjoy yourself and find people who enjoy it as much as you do.

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3. Most ppl are just extremely impatient or have done them so many times they hate even being there and just want to go from start to finish without lifting a finger. " I dont want to do this, I just want my comms so I can go."

I STILL find this very annoying but at the same time I find myself hitting the spacebar as fast as I can just to avoid hearing "spacebar plz". Which may be even more annoying.


Amusing anecdote: I was doing dailies on Belsavis a month or so ago. As soon as I buffed and targeted a Rattataki leader to fight, some jackass Shadow in PvP gear (I hate PvP'ers) jumps in front of me and begins fighting my target. His explanation for this asshattery was that I didnt start the fight "fast enough" for which he felt entitled him to take the target from me.

Ya know that little room area with the 3 stations furthest north on Belsavis where you get your dailies from? 15 minutes later this guy was hopping on his speeder to cross that room.

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1. This is not a bad game. Quirks and patches and little things aside this is a great game to play. If you liked KOTOR and TSL I highly recommend this game for you. Aside from some WTF Lore moments you will like this game.


5. I know 90% of the guys who play MMO's know that most of the girl toons are actually guys. Doesn't matter they will offer help if you are playing a female toon. As a male Gunslinger noone wanted to join me on Heroics at any time unless A) It was someone I helped out previously and they probably felt guilty or B) After I got a female toon in themix I had them ask for help and suddenly everyone wants to help.


1. I love this game! It's my first MMO, granted, but I could play it for hours and hours on end, which is what I've been basically doing on the weekends. Have to say sometimes I skip the Heroics because I can't find a good group, but otherwise I'm a 'do everything' person.


5. Hmm, I'm female playing a male toon on the Imp side, (ok, that might be unusual but I can't be the only one!) and I've never had this problem yet with my Empire 'boy' but had this problem with my Republic 'girls'. What am I doing wrong? :p

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1. I love this game! It's my first MMO, granted, but I could play it for hours and hours on end, which is what I've been basically doing on the weekends. Have to say sometimes I skip the Heroics because I can't find a good group, but otherwise I'm a 'do everything' person.


5. Hmm, I'm female playing a male toon on the Imp side, (ok, that might be unusual but I can't be the only one!) and I've never had this problem yet with my Empire 'boy' but had this problem with my Republic 'girls'. What am I doing wrong? :p


You are not the only one, I came across a girl playing as a guy and for some reason I was shocked because it never occured to me that a female would want to play as a male. I think it is great that this is the case it just never registered in my brain that a girl would want to play as a guy :)


As for me saying female toons get more love when they ask for help it is something I noticed on the server I am on. It might not be that way or it might be the opposite way on other servers.


I love this game too and it is my first MMO as well :)

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green chicks are cool....you are cool in my book whichever you are mim


An interesting thread. I am still not levelled high enough to understand all you post about but the comments about girls and guys holds true for many MMOs, funnily enough it was the topic of a Japanese anime series special, Sword Art Online, and they comment about it too.

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