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JJ Abrams to direct Episode VII


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Cloverfield and Super 8 were great monster movies, and Star Trek was good, and to date the only star trek movie i have ever seen. I am just not sure he makes Star Wars type movies. I am not knocking his accomplishments, he has done amazing things in movies, and in no way am i putting him down, but i just don't know if he can do the style that Star Wars fans are used to. I could also be completely wrong. He is an amazing director, and he could completely blow this thing out of the water. As with everything else in this turbulent time in the star wars universe, only time will tell.

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  • 5 months later...

Star Trek Into Darkness has made me less apprehensive about Abrams directing, though I still have my doubts. I'm a fan of a lot of his films, but he has a very strong style, and I'd rather Episode VII be styled to be like the previous films. He toned it down for Into Darkness, which felt more like "Star Trek" than it did "JJ Abrams' Star Trek", which was the main issue I had with his first Trek movie.

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  • 6 months later...
Joss Whedon would have been a better choice…not only to direct it but also to write the screenplay. What he did with the Avengers was genius.


As much as I like Whedon, and as much as I don't like the choice of Abrams for VII, his style is too distinctively his. Episode VII should be a Star Wars film, not a 'Joss Whedon's take on Star Wars' film.

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