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Plague Carrier Glitch (Nar Shaddaa) Does it Work for PC?


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I learned of this glitch (on the Nar Shaddaa world) and have been able to use it in my Xbox version, however my attempts on the pc have failed. I can't even get the quest entry of "plague carrier" to appear whether I fail to heal Geriel or not. I did a search online recently and have found several guides and cheat sites that claim it is possible to achieve the glitch (getting unlimited 1,000 points at a time through dialogue with Hussef) on the pc version. I would like to know if anyone here has done this only for the pc version of the game!


I've played these games dozens of times, but since learning level 50 is the maximum level up I really want to achieve this! (I could easily accomplish this task on my xbox, but I have limited private time to play on my xbox these days.)


Again, don't just say "it should work" tell me if you've actually succeeded in doing it! Thanks in advanced!

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