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Reopen LucasCast.

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I know that I'm nor a Mod or an Admin.


But what I know is that I'm a 'Cast member, and I think that there has been enough time since the last 'aired' cast (There was a few un-air'ed) that we can revisit this.


But considering that I'm neither one of those, I can not reopen the LucasCast Discussion Forum.


There is some consideration with this idea:

1) Above all: Each member has had several years between casts, which means new games, new ideas, and most of all...

2) ... Guests whom have been playing in these last several years.


I can not lose to any sort of bet that the cast members have not met anyone in the gaming community that is outside of what 'we' (the cast members) haven't already discussed in *ANY* of our previous casts.


And you know what, things HAVE changed since, so why not attempt to bring this side of our community back alive once again?

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Honestly I think It's something that would maybe happen when / if the eventual site overhaul happens. There's also going to be increased interest next year with the release of Episode VII... so that's gonna liven up the forums a bit.

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