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New recruitment mod in progress. I have so many ideas for this mod it's ridiculous. I know people have attempted this before and it never works out right. :mad: but I'm now here to tell you this mod is GOING to get finished, with the help of others, I can get this mod before September up and running, I know it's 2015 and it's about to be 10 years since KoTOR II's in December

(The curse of 2015 and 2005) but I propose we bring it back to life. So far the project is 23.5/100% Finished. I've got the dialogue for the recruit finished, and the recruitment script ready. The only problem is atrend3.dlg found in 262TEL, is that it is so unfinished. That pushed me back as I will have to fix it, unless someone else can fix it.:¬: Here are screenshots.





Here are some bugs I found

  • After you find Atton injured, and you go to Telos, the trigger doesn't happen, but I'm sure that's NOT the mod I'm working on.
  • The dialog is currently "unskippable" for Atris's natural dialog
  • Atris is not equipped with a Lightsaber when you confront her, I think this is because I had to warp to her location in order for the trigger to commence, referring back to bug #1 from Atton.
  • In Atris's new dialog for when she is recruited, she does not lipsync to her voice audio, I'll have to fix that.
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*I forgot to say I want user input!

As the only thing she can do is fight for Telos's safety after recruitment!

What are some potential things she can do in Malachor V? Give as much things possible.

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Yeah this is really cool! I really like that skin you used on the Onderon queen too.

Thanks, I made this texture. I submitted it on KnightsOfTheRepublic.Filefront.com, but it hasn't gotten through the administraters yet:(

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I'm just going by scrap files I'd seen... and Yes, Atris was cut content, she was supposed to join your party, but when she was supposed to join is currently unknown. There is a portrait found in the files, and her creature appearance name is Party_NPC_Atris.

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