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The Final Cylon!


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I couldn't find a Battlestar Galactica Group, so I started one.


So, what's up with that final cylon? The obvious choice is Starbuck, but I'm starting to think it might be President Roslin.


But if it isn't Starbuck, how is her body and the old Raptor explained from the first episode this season?

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The final Cylon is Ellen Tigh. Don't ask me to explain the whole Starbuck thing, because it's confusing the hell out of me too. We just don't know what she is at this point.


You might want to invite Rogue Nine, Dath, ET Warrior, AC/DCfanbill and Redwing, who I know are all BSG fans too. ;)

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I did not see Ellen as the final Cylon...


But now, things are looking bad for the Admiral and Colonel Tigh...


I did feel kind of sorry for Gaeta after he lost his leg, but now... he starts a Civil War? I hope he gets shot.


And is anyone else as upset as I am about Dee's rather terminal case of Death?

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They did the Dee thing brilliantly. I did not see that coming at all. My jaw was on the floor for a good five minutes after that. I still can't believe shes gone. :(


I kind of have a little sympathy for Gaeta, after all he's been through, I can understand where he is coming from, but mutiny is completely the wrong way to go about it.

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Don't get me wrong, I certainly didn't agree with anything Gaeta did, I just think the writers got it spot on that it was him to lead the rebellion. A lot of people still don't trust the Cylons, which is completely understandable, after the whole planet being destroyed thing. ;)


I really can't wait now to see how the whole Starbuck thing is going to be explained.

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Me too. Although, last night...


I couldn't believe what happened! I knew Zarek was an extremist, but I didn't think he could actually wipe out the government. And it was nice to see Lampkin make a return. The pen is mightier than the sword! :lol:

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The theory is that since it was said that Daniel's genetic code was corrupted, he became a she, which would also nicely tie up the whole "wtf is Starbuck" subplot. It would also be a nice play on the fact that the Starbuck in the original BG was male.

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You know, after seeing the latest episode I had a theory that Starbuck was either cloned and sent back secretly, or somehow saved by Ellen Tigh, considering she was resurrected not long after New Caprica, but the "Starbuck is Daniel" theory definitely makes sense - remember Ellen said Daniel was an artist and Starbuck did have that "artistic period" just before her "death" in season 3. If that's not a hint, I don't know what is.

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You said it, AK.


Regarding Gaeta and the entire mutiny thing - this is all wild speculation, but it's interesting how a bunch of side characters were involved in that and didn't appear again after it was over. Seems to me like they're wrapping up as much of those side-roles as possible. Saving money, perhaps, for a spectacular finale?

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