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What am I looking forward to.......

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  • 4 weeks later...

Simply put.... I am most looking forward to a story that focuses in on a PC whose identity is more or less up to me (within certain boundaries, but moreso than the exile was), which will tie together and make sense of the many mysteries, questions and loose ends left from TSL (and to a lesser extent Kotor I) and bring closure to the saga.


I have been replaying kotor II various ways to try and expose as much of the story as I can from different angles so that I can try to piece together in my own mind what really happens to revan and the exile. As hard as I try, some bits either dont feel right or just dont click for me. I have high hopes that Revenge of revan will provide at least a plausible tie-up for most of that. Explanations that make sense.


I realize its impossible to satisfy everybody in the sense that I mention, and I may even be one of the folks who sees it differently after experiencing the mod... but there is also the fun of just exploring and interactively participating in a good story.


I know I will be pleased no matter how it comes out, but from what I have read, it really does seem like the overarching explanation of events/closure to the saga is more than possible with the team's efforts thus far.

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I am looking forward to seeing Revan,his memories as flashbacks(but not mandolarian war memories just a few 2 or 3: perhaps about his childhood, why he chose to put the mask and did he and bastila marry secretly,how malak and revan were turned by the sith emporer or if Revan's home really as Kreia said is in the Unknown regions)...

More of HK-47's humor,he will not try to kill you if you don't do the deal with the hutts but also be a Lightsider...No more Kreia-twisted talk(but Traya must be very powerfull so that she can still be one with the force no matter how much she dispises it and still be in spirit form).Hope it will not be hard to turn the Chiss party member LS.Revan to be in Act 1.Exile in Act1.Will Revan to have to choose which woman to marry the Exile or Bastila(if exile is female on TSL and LS).The explanation how the Trayus acaedmy was made(i know it was found but Revan may have studied some of the ruins from the Trayus Academy.Explanation why is the Trayus academy filled with so much DS energy.Is the Academy the source of DS energy since Malachor V isa place with alot of ancient DS history.Explanation who was DArth Nihilus and who was Darth Sion.Explanaton why is the Ravager still workiing since it's got five howls from the last Battle of the Mando wars


Off topic ,not for the mod:


no really update it.

That's all for now.

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Slstoev, really. He'll update his site when he feels like it.


Second of all, and I'm going to put this as bluntly as possible: Grammar, punctuation, and paragraphs are your friends. I actually have to strain my eyes to read what you're saying.


Third, this is a "What am I looking forward to" thread, not a demand the heck out of Logan thread. You listed a bunch of things that he's made apparent he's not going to do on numerous occasions.

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I'm looking forward to playing more KotOR, and perhaps having an ending. It was left very incomplete after KotOR II, and I don't have faith in an MMO to make the best KotOR III. It originated as an RPG, and in comparison MMOs don't cut it.

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  • 1 month later...

Was Revan's embrace of the dark side a choice? a sacrifice? both?


Was the threat he discovered so powerful that he couldnt deal with it

directly? What was his plan when he left his party behind?


How specifically did Kreia and Malachor V contribute to Revan's "fall", if at all?


Was Revan counting on the Exile and Bao-Dur to fire the Mass Shadow Generator? Had he foreseen it?


How did the exile sever the connection to the force? Was it a conscious choice that the Exile had foreseen, or was it an instinctive reaction to the horror of the MSG?


How exactly did Nihilus become a wound in the force? How close to the MSG was he when it fired? Did he make a choice to become what he did? Was it his destiny? Did the MSG cause his condition, and grant him such power? Or did the MSG simply amplify what he already was?


Not looking to discuss the answers to these questions, mind you.... just putting them out there as things I am looking forward to hopefully have explained in RoR. :)

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  • 8 months later...

i would like to see the sith empeor and the true sith. also if logan says that this is canon with tor then the player will fail because the true sith will invide the republic 300 years after except the main enemy is not the true sith. also nihilus was a jedi in the mandalorians wars and he lose his friends, family, and his will to leave

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