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do u think lucas arts wud be wastin time if the made a munky island racing game?

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Instead of a Racer staring all the charicters how bout something more in tune with Adventureing. "The LucasArts Adventure" It'd star Every one and they travel through time and enter each others games.


See I belive that all the LucasArt games are cronologicly ordered


Loom--Monkey Island----Sam and Max/Maniac Mantion/Indy games---Full Throttle whith Grim fandago being the Afterlife.


Here's my story


LeChuck would awacken in the present after hundreds of years of being imprisoned on Monkey island. Indy would accidently dig him up. LeChuck would rush to Dr. Freds lab were he'd use the crono jones to go back in time. But Sam and Max show up and skrew up the timemachie and all three of them get sucked into the future. Where they meet Ben. LeChuck gets the Time Machine fixed and steals Ben's Bike so Ben fallow's him to the past where you run into GuyBrush. Antics insue with every one and there Brother showing up in the end (Low, Bobbin, Bernard, Manny, ect....)


What do you think of my consept?

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