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Lord Of The Rings Rules.


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Fuck Star Wars. Fuck Harry Potter. Lord Of The Rings is gonna win. I don't know what the contest is, but LORD OF THE RINGS WINS!!!!!


What can I say...It's a great book and the movie will be also superb good.


DISAGREE with me and Ill throw you in a room with Monkey-Wrench & lock the door !!! :evil:


:barf:Star Wars

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I cant beleive that you take things so seriously!


Star Wars is NOT the best movie ever IN MY OPINION


I am entitled to MY OPINION


and MY OPINION is:


:barf: Star Wars


".........nobody pukes on star wars and gets away with it you geezer




By the way. I AM NOT A TREKKIE. In fact I have never seen an episode in my life. I am not a Star Wars disliker, but the hype and the die-hard fans are easily annoyed, and after all, I am 5 years old as the obviously mature "Al-back from the BigWhoop" pointed out. BTW, some sarcasm in that last sentence - figure it out :p


If you want to find out how old I am, I am 16. And I seriously doubt anyone who has posted in this thread is much older.


Star Wars is an OK movie. Better movies include Citizen Kane, Clerks, Shawshank...SW is extremely overated, in MY OPINION


As for having no taste in movies? hmmm....all I did was throw up on Star Wars and you made your judgment from that?


Harry Potter = Well written children books - I have read them, and they are great books. Just not as good as LotR.

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Originally posted by scabb



I cant beleive that you take things so seriously!


Star Wars is NOT the best movie ever IN MY OPINION


I am entitled to MY OPINION


and MY OPINION is:


:barf: Star Wars



Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to mine.


And mine is **** You


Isn't that lovely? Must you go around a forum that's not for LoTR and puke on something we love. Go to a LoTR forum or something. I just find it stupid to thrash something in a forum about that revolves around that something. It angers me. :mad:

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:ewok: Yeah starwars rocked, i love ewoks!


(that was an excuse to use the ewok smilie)


But Lord of the rings is what i am looking forward to more than even christmas!


He has a point, have you seen the trailer for the new starwars episode? *yawn*


But, if you look at the trailer for lord of the rings, ohhh what A FILM! :ewok:

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Originally posted by scabb



I cant beleive that you take things so seriously!


Star Wars is NOT the best movie ever IN MY OPINION


I am entitled to MY OPINION


and MY OPINION is:


:barf: Star Wars






By the way. I AM NOT A TREKKIE. In fact I have never seen an episode in my life. I am not a Star Wars disliker, but the hype and the die-hard fans are easily annoyed, and after all, I am 5 years old as the obviously mature "Al-back from the BigWhoop" pointed out. BTW, some sarcasm in that last sentence - figure it out :p


If you want to find out how old I am, I am 16. And I seriously doubt anyone who has posted in this thread is much older.


Star Wars is an OK movie. Better movies include Citizen Kane, Clerks, Shawshank...SW is extremely overated, in MY OPINION


As for having no taste in movies? hmmm....all I did was throw up on Star Wars and you made your judgment from that?


Harry Potter = Well written children books - I have read them, and they are great books. Just not as good as LotR.




my diagnosis:

- he thinks maturity = physical age

- he thinks he knows MUCH more than he actually does

- he isnt very smart (for those that didnt get that last one)

- hes a quitter



(and yes, i AM a psychologist :p)











for the 1st part of my diagosis, when i read your posts i actually though u were a little kid. being 16 doesnt prove that u r mature, just that u are immature: a 16yo acting like a 5yo (like u said) :p

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The spew smiley freaks me out :(


Anyone who reads Harry Potter is a tosser with no life, other than HelenW coz she's special and I luv her :D Especially if you're over 13 and have read Harry Potter... I guess that makes my bf a tosser with no life, still he deserves it, he hurt me on Saturday and woke me up on Monday coz I wasn't well (I'm still not well)

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Somepone, to say, I _really_ liked all books on Ha4ry Potter, but I don't like all the hullabaloo with the T-shirts, mascots, or any other products, it disgusts me, very sure it disgusts me. The books are good I am waiting for the film it debutes is Dec 13th here in Hungary and there are no tickets up to February!! :o)

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Ummm I forgot what I was gonna say- ohhhhhh yeah, that's right :D I already been making fun of the episode2 trailer, it came wif Harry Potter, and there's this bit where Amidala has the hairmuffs going with her hair ala Princess Leia, I cracked up laughing- too bad it was a tender moment between Amidala and Anikan, didn't mean to, it just looked too funny :D


And I'm not a happy camper either- Harry Potter beat episode1 in the fact it took more in it's opening weekend than what episode1 did... Titanic is still first :D (phew!) and now it's Harry Pothead followed by Episode1. Lets just hope when Lord Of The Rings comes out it will kick Potheads arse (I still want Titanic to be #1) and then when episode2 comes out it beats Lord Of The Rings

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**gives benjoyce an elephant stamp** duuuuuuuuh whatever gave you that impression? Maybe it was coz my dog is named Dawson? After Leo's character in Titanic? No I just happened to like the movie- it's one of my alltime fave movies. The Wizard Of Oz is my alltime fave movie though


Actually- I'm over Leo now, I prefer my fellow Aussie actors *goes off into lala land over Heathy*

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Ok heres some Lord of the Rings facts, this was in the METRO paper that I get on the bus to college:



Lord of the Rings


Friends: Gandalf, good wizard and central character, has a long white beard and flowing hair. He is a guide for hero Frodo.


Enemies: Lord Sauron, an evil force that has fallen from power but is growing strong again.


Enemies: The treacherous sidekick of Sauron is called Wormtongue.


Burdens: When Frodo is close to Sauron, the ring he is carrying grows heavy in his hands.


Places: Frodo and his friends visit a village pub and are served by Barliman Butterbur.



Now compare these facts to Harry Potter:


Harry Potter


Friends: Dumbledore, good wizard and central character, has a long white beard and flowing hair. He is a guide and teacher for Harry.


Enemies: Lord Voldemort, an evil force that has fallen from power but is growing strong again.


Enemies: The treacherous sidekick of Voldemort is called Wormtail.


Burdens: When Harry is close to Voldemort, the scar on his head burns with pain.


Places: Harry and his friends visit a village pub where they Butterbeer.



This Proves that J.K. Rowling has no original ideas and is copying a time honoured book.

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Well, I'll go with Ben in this one. The books don't bother me, the movie sucks but can be avoided, but the merchandise...


Seriously all the merchandise make Harry Potter no better then crap like Pokemon and Dragonball Z. I never read the books, but this is just crazy. Books are made for reading, not te be a trademark. I mean look at Stephen King and Terry Pratchett: both very popular writers but do they make as much merchandise for their books? (Except from the little Discworld-sculptures)


And of course Rowling is not original. One stupid writer (I believe it was in the UK) wrote something about the names in the book, that they we're original and had a hidden message or something...Bullcrap. Rowling just doesn't have the imagination to come up with real names. I mean, hidden messages in a name? Please...


Lord of the Rings, on the other side, is an original story, written back in the old days where fantasy was something serious, not just a trademark. I never read it, but I respect it. You don't sh!t on LotR, just like you don't sh!t on Dune. These are so classic that they have grown beyond just a book. Still, they are not commercial like HP


And to Duder: If you say something is unoriginal just because it has certain things in common with other things, practically everything would be unoriginal. But the link between HP and LotR is soooo obvious...

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precisely thanks for backing me up there. Who cares whether names are similar, why not look at narrative and imaginative writing, which forthe kids is terrific. You are cynical and narrow minded, you are entitled to your opinion but realise that it is ****. As for merchandising, its no worse than george lucas, so why not include him in your ramblings. Unfortunately we will also see a huge amount of LOTR merchandise, not as much, but only because there is less call for it, due to its more mature nature.


But on a good note....dune (apart from the film) is also a definate classic. Did you get to read the new one, from his notes?

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