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Next LEC Adventure


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Okay, now that the New Year is nearly upon us, we should start talking about the new adventure game that I believe is in place to be unveiled at this years E3 (May). From what I can recall LEC Pres Simon Jeffries mentioned it would be some kind of off-beat musical didn't he? That's why I'm starting this thread, I'm forgetting all the little clues dropped here and there in interviews and chats about LEC's next adventure, who's making it, what its about, etc. All I remember is that a NEW one is in the works.

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Originally posted by JiveMonkey

Okay, now that the New Year is nearly upon us, we should start talking about the new adventure game that I believe is in place to be unveiled at this years E3 (May). From what I can recall LEC Pres Simon Jeffries mentioned it would be some kind of off-beat musical didn't he? That's why I'm starting this thread, I'm forgetting all the little clues dropped here and there in interviews and chats about LEC's next adventure, who's making it, what its about, etc. All I remember is that a NEW one is in the works.


Mike Stemmle said he wanted to some sort of musical, but I don't know if he was serious or not about it. At any rate, there are supposedly two adventure games in production, one being the one Larry Ahren worked at before he left. I'm guessing this one will be revealed at E3 in May. (if not, I'll be majorly disappointed)


The other game is one Sean Clark started, but I'm guessing we won't hear anything about this one for a while.


Notice that I'm guessing a lot... Don't shoot me if I'm wrong.

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I'm hoping for a non-sequel, but considering the possibility of one...


Another Maniac Mansion sequel: Could work. In real 3d. Er. Perhaps not. I believe the setting might have been exhausted.


Zac McCracken Sequel: Almost like starting a new franchise, it's that distant. Plus no legal crackdown on Fan project of similar nature. Not likely.


Another Indy game: Would be an action adventure almost certainly.


Loom 2: Well, it was set up to be sequelled... no.


Revenge of Monkey Island: Not so soon after the last one.


Sam and Max Hit The Road Again: Er, there is and Action-Adventure Sam and Max game being done somewhere isn't there. Damn.


Fuller Throttle: Why not? Might work. Neatly tied-up story, but possibilities of new villains, and the setting remains open.


More Digging: Please, noooo... I beg for mercy. Plus a badly but neatly tied-up "story".


Grim Fandango Dos: If the Market has a six-second memory (Or, wait, was that Goldfish?) this would be the last really successful adventure title, and thus ripe pickings. But all the main characters are gone. It'd have to start anew, and I don't believe it'd be particularly interesting.

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In regards to new people in LucasArts who could make a new game... I'll bring up E3 again. (No, I'm really not bragging!) Mike Stemmle and Sean Clark made it pretty clear at E3 that they do not want to be involved with the next Monkey Island game. I asked if there was anyone left at the company who could make the new one, and their response was something to the effect of "Oh hell yes." So I'm assuming there are still many talented individuals at LucasArts who could carry on the adventure game legacy. We may become more familiar with them in the future. If not, hey LucasArts, I'm available! :)

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they should remake the first maniac mansion in 3d with new puzzles and mke all the enemys walk round more and give the characters you play as various stealth tactics so they could hide more easily and also in 3d they could be caught more easily making it an adventure game with a few action elements!

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I expect them to reveal at E3 an adventure game that's a NON-sequel, simply because it would be the best to get it out in the spotlight, and I wouldn't be surprised if they mentioned who was working on it, to give us a look at some new faces. If they ARE making a sequel, and will only reveal one new title at E3, I would expect they would reveal the sequel some other time seeing that the news could spread pretty rapidly over the net because of it's sequel merit, and easily garner some quick excitement. On the other hand an original title made be harder to make into a head-turner, so I expect a big flashy display or something at E3 to get people excited. Maybe line-dancing monkeys? Or LEC staffers with coconut bras? Never.....

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Originally posted by Snapcase

Fuller Throttle: Why not? Might work. Neatly tied-up story, but possibilities of new villains, and the setting remains open.


More Digging: Please, noooo... I beg for mercy. Plus a badly but neatly tied-up "story".


FT was sorta tied up... but maybe Mo makes the company huge and hires her own Ripburger-type... and there could be a diferent scheme or something... I dunno.


Also, why does everyone think The Dig had a bad story? Just because it wasn't as actiony and not as comical as many other LEC adventure games, that doesn't mean it's BAD. It was pretty much tied up, but sequels or PREquels can be made for everything... maybe like a Prequel to the dig that you control The Creator before everything happens, and it ends with them all entering Space Time 6...

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This is slightly off-topic, but this talk about the potential for a Full Throttle 2 combined with the fact that I just learned of Kathleen "Madame Xima" Freeman's death from cancer has got me thinking about Roy Conrad. Most of us know that he was very sick, but I for one haven't heard anything definitive since then. Does anyone *know* how this is playing/has played out?

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Damn - I'd love to see an official Zak sequel tho.


The zak2.adventuregamer.com sequel looked extremely promising, except it seemed to fall apart near the end. But an up-to-date Zak game with voiceovers (3d or 2d, as long as the puzzles and story are decent I really don't care about the format :).

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Originally posted by ProfessorYoda

This is slightly off-topic, but this talk about the potential for a Full Throttle 2 combined with the fact that I just learned of Kathleen "Madame Xima" Freeman's death from cancer has got me thinking about Roy Conrad. Most of us know that he was very sick, but I for one haven't heard anything definitive since then. Does anyone *know* how this is playing/has played out?

As to his state of health, i couldn't say, but i know he certainly has shuffled off this mortal thingummy yet - hurrah

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**warning!, sorta-kinda-not really-spoiler**


heh, wasent there some made-up rumor of a grim sequel were the train crashed and they have to find a new way to the 9th underworld.


i dont really like sequels, and im not sure if that would work, but it would be cool just to see another grim


and the new game would probably be in 3d, since grim and emi was, but i think it would be better to have a new 2d one:D

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Full Throttle 2:


Ripburger nearly dies when he hits the bottom of the canyon, but his brain is put in a motorcycle by a mad-scientist. The motorcycle then sets out to seek revenge on Ben and Mo with halarious consequences.

Or not, its a free country.

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