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Best LEC quotes, anyone?


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We've all overlooked Murray, from CMI. he has some great lines. Whats the one where Guybrush goes to the Voodoo ladies swamp and Murray is on the arch above the path? he says he got there using his demonic powers, but it transpires the 'creepy voodoo kids' threw him up there.

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I can't remember the exact quote but it's from CMI and it's when Guybrush is talking to Haggis just after they've mutinied and Guybrush turns round and says something about getting an A+ for an essay which might just get you into the college of your choice. Unfortunalty I can't remember the quote. Can anyone else?

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"Don't eat the hand lotion." - Haggis


(Looking at the treasure chest in Elaine's room in MI2): "It's impolite to stare at a woman's chest."


(Looking at the bust in Elaine's room): "I heard some guys talking about Elaine's bust... this must be it."

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Originally posted by LucasTones

Going back to LemonHeads quote about rolling through the gates of hell... Why in EMI do the refer to hell as heck? 'Heckfire' etc?

It's just meant to be a jab at kiddie entertainment (cartoons, comics (not Judge Dredd type comics)and so forth).


It's not an actual LEC lame-ism, if my memory serves me well EMI has "crap" and "bastard" (can't believe you can't say bastard in these damn forums) in it. Just one of those quirky things i guess.

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It could have been a jab at kiddy entertainment I suppose... but it really sounds stupid. We deserve better than to be treated like a saturday morning cartoon viewer. I don't remember the b astard and the crap, but I belive it if you say it is so.

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It went something like this:


Haggis: ...and don't 'ye be gettin' any ideas 'bout stealin' it!


We're sure to be needin' it. Ya see...


...carpentry in this tropical climate can and will prematurely age yer skin!


'Tis but one of the many hardships a pirate must face daily during this barbarous age.


Aye! And if we pirates didn't carry hand lotion aboard all our ships, we'd probably die from the chafing.



Guybrush: Wow! If I were doing a history report on pirates and I included that fact I'd get an A+.


We're talkin' GUARANTEED A+.


And that A+ just might get you into the college of your choice.


Think about it.

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Oi! I can't believe I forgot my favorite quote! The bleeped Guybrush quote reminded me of it. It's in Sam & Max when they're talking to the foul-mouthed tool-bending gypsy guy in the revolving restauarant atop the Biggest Ball o' Twine in the World...


Sam: Percent sign, ampersand, dollar sign!

Max: Colon and semi-colon, too!


Tool-bending gypsy guy: What are you f<bleep>ing doing?


Sam: Swearing in long-hand, asterisk mouth.

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At the time the one that made me laugh the most was in the Secret of Monkey Island. Stan has just sold the ship to Guybrush, and starts making out like he hasn't ripped him off:


Stan "No, I've changed my mind. You can't have it. I'm too attached to it."

(The Mast snaps)

Stan "Oh well, a deals a deal."

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