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OK, I understand the need for money, and an ad or two on each page is alright.


But when I'm getting multiple popups when I access the forums.. well, thats pushing it and I'm getting ready to find another jo community that cares a little more about quality and ease of accessing the site.

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We too get irritated by the ads, but it's an unforetunate reality that we have to keep the ads going in order to pay for our server and pay for new ones we need. In fact, without the ads the page would be a lot harder to access because it wouldn't be up as much as it is! Hopefully the ad market will continue to improve and we can use less advertisements, but until then, the ads are gonna have to stay around. We definitely understand your concern and don't worry, we get sick of them too...they load up for us everytime we come to the page as well.



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Guest Krayt Tion

Aye, I second Swoosh's comments here. I dont know any staff member that enjoys any aspect of those pop up adds... except GUNNER, who enjoys gratuitous shots of cleavage. :c3po: But he's an XWAer. ;)

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