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I know everyone hates a whiner, so before I ask this question, does anyone know of a walkthrough or anything for those times you get really stuck. I find myself in this postion often with JK2. I think they should have done something about this, i mean, puzzles are good, but this is rediculous.


So anyway, how do I get to the base commander to get those hanger doors open in the detention lvl.

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for one, try there.


as to your question about the base commander... in the room with the tube in the middle, and the vents that open up on it, turn the fan on... then make your way up to the shaft with the fan in the bottom, drop down the shaft, (ONLY IF FAN IS ON) the go thru the tunnels, you will eventually get to him.

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Hm, if it is the part I remember correctly, you have to have your crosshair on him, and be close, but not too close. It is kinda annoying. He stops if you aren't positioned right.



Reference for the more confusing parts (and a handy downloads filebase). It doesn't have the answer to this question in the body (though it is listed in the topics, odd):



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