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I'll never stop being amazed at the stupid people.......


This is the PUBLISHERS website and forum, what makes you think they are going to LIKE you talking about pirating thier software? And yes it is PIRATING it to use it on 2 computers at one time without 2 DIFFERENT copies of the game. I might think well he's jut trying were this a fan forum, but to wlak into the forum of the people who make money off of this and ask such a question......:rolleyes:

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If you don't have a valid copy of the game, then don't bother dude. Myself, like many people on this forum and in the gaming community in general respect the developers and the publishers of this game and choose to pay like $50 to support them.


When you get a real job and realize how you need an income to feed your mouth, support your family, and make a living, thats when you will understand the value of the dollar. I have a real job (not a part time Target one) and work in the web design and programming field. If people dont pay you, well you dont get paid. Simple as that.


Raven worked hard to get an EXTREMELY awesome game out the door for you guys and when you pirate this or games in general you are spitting in their face. They know you people do it and it makes the industry lose money over and over again.


For all the people on this forum or in general who pirated JK2, I just hang my head in disgust. This game isn't licensed by the "GPL" or is an open source product. You get what you pay for and that is something that you will deserve and feel better about.


Oh and trust me, I know what I am talking about. I talk to people all the time in classes or in general and listen to them go "hey man can you get me a copy of that game or Office XP" and I don't respect that at all.


Had to say it. I am sick of people who want everything but will not work for it.

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"I'll never stop being amazed at the stupid people.......


This is the PUBLISHERS website and forum, what makes you think they are going to LIKE you talking about pirating thier software? And yes it is PIRATING it to use it on 2 computers at one time without 2 DIFFERENT copies of the game. I might think well he's jut trying were this a fan forum, but to wlak into the forum of the people who make money off of this and ask such a question......"





ok what kinda dumb ass is gonna buy two copies just to play it on 2 comps i'm got my one copy and gonna put it on my 4 comps and home that isnt pirating if its in the same house hold if u had 4 comps are you really gonna pay 200$ ? if you say yes your the stupid person here

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You may want to read the end users liscence(sp?) sometime. You bougth the rights to use it on one single computer. That is why corperations buy software in multiple users lots so that they don't end up getting fined for fradulent use. Last time I heard (local buisness was found guitly of this a while ago)the fine was $1500 for each license violation.


Oh well anythign we say isnt' going to stop you. Especially with no cd copyright protection a moron like you could make multiple working copies with out a second thought. Also they are right in questioning your intelligence for asking for cracks ect on a messageboard run by the people who made the game. They may take the time to alert the proper athorities. Many warez groups members have been arrested and charged lately if you hadn't noticed.

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Originally posted by homicide35957

"I'll never stop being amazed at the stupid people.......


This is the PUBLISHERS website and forum, what makes you think they are going to LIKE you talking about pirating thier software? And yes it is PIRATING it to use it on 2 computers at one time without 2 DIFFERENT copies of the game. I might think well he's jut trying were this a fan forum, but to wlak into the forum of the people who make money off of this and ask such a question......"





ok what kinda dumb ass is gonna buy two copies just to play it on 2 comps i'm got my one copy and gonna put it on my 4 comps and home that isnt pirating if its in the same house hold if u had 4 comps are you really gonna pay 200$ ? if you say yes your the stupid person here


Err LAN implies mulitiple people, at least every LAN I have hosted has had more than just me, maybe you lasses do things different.

Anyway so *I* own a copy of the games I am playing and so do the *OTHER* people. I don't PIRATE my games for them, and they don't PIRATE them for me. If you consider me a dumbass, well thats your problem, I'm just willing to PAY for what I want in life because soemone deserves their just reward for having the product, and the peole I LAN with feel the same. So far we've only had to ask one person not to come back because he was there in hopes he could pirate games. Firsy of all if I could afford 4 comps, I don't think $200 is that big of a deal first of all, second I may be stupid, but I have enough pride not to steal *****!


And it wasn't stealing I called stupid anyway, it was coming HERE to ask for help doing it that's stupid. Go to a damn pirate forum for pete/paet/peat sake.

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Originally posted by Misa

You may want to read the end users liscence(sp?) sometime. You bougth the rights to use it on one single computer. That is why corperations buy software in multiple users lots so that they don't end up getting fined for fradulent use. Last time I heard (local buisness was found guitly of this a while ago)the fine was $1500 for each license violation.


Oh well anythign we say isnt' going to stop you. Especially with no cd copyright protection a moron like you could make multiple working copies with out a second thought. Also they are right in questioning your intelligence for asking for cracks ect on a messageboard run by the people who made the game. They may take the time to alert the proper athorities. Many warez groups members have been arrested and charged lately if you hadn't noticed.


Watch it Misa, next they'll be telling us they are too "smart" to read.......... Heh I was gonna mention copying the CD, but figured him being so superiorly intelligent and all. ;)

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I don't know about the U.S., but in my country (Denmark) digital copying is legal if you already own the product in question. Now I don't play the game in multiplayer, but if Raven thinks I'm going to repeatedly pay $50 for copies of a game that I legally own, for my OWN, PRIVATE USE, then they are fooling themselves. Especially with a game this buggy. Hell, I think they should be paying me for being a post-release game tester.


Why they didn't include a second CD for multiplayer like so many other companies are doing, is beyond me. And not including CD keys was a dumb move, especially if they wanted to prevent games from being copied for LAN use.

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Just playing the devils advocate here...


You don't think it is even a LITTLE unreasonable to be required to buy 3 copies of the same software for a home network?


I can understand the need for site licenses in the professional world, however, software developers should know their market. Few families are going to shell out the cash for two copies of one game, much less 3 or 4 copies (we are heading this direction - more and more families are getting more than two computers).


Correct me if I am wrong but I think HL does allow lan gaming (I think you just need to insert the CD during load, then you pass it around from computer to computer). Perhaps JK has a similar workaround.

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The only reason I wouldn't mind a No CD crack is to save me having to dig around for the CD eveery time I want to play if I've been doing something else. It starts to get annoying after a while.

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Splitsoul -- Last time I checked, we were only allowed to make digital copies of MUSIC for our own PERSONAL use. That means copying a GAME forsomeone ELSE to use on any computer, even if it's on your LAN is a no-no ;]

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Originally posted by Aiee

Splitsoul -- Last time I checked, we were only allowed to make digital copies of MUSIC for our own PERSONAL use. That means copying a GAME forsomeone ELSE to use on any computer, even if it's on your LAN is a no-no ;]

I don't think you are correct, but I will read up on the laws. And this *is* PERSONAL, PRIVATE USE; it's in MY HOUSEHOLD, and none of my friends will get any joy from it in THEIR household.


Also, there are several loopholes in the current music laws. You can legally borrow CDs at the libary and copy them to your computer without fearing legal prosecution. Stupid politicians apparently DO have a purpose. :D

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Originally posted by SplitSoul

I don't know about the U.S., but in my country (Denmark) digital copying is legal if you already own the product in question. Now I don't play the game in multiplayer, but if Raven thinks I'm going to repeatedly pay $50 for copies of a game that I legally own, for my OWN, PRIVATE USE, then they are fooling themselves. Especially with a game this buggy. Hell, I think they should be paying me for being a post-release game tester.


Buggy? Thats funny. Out of many games that I have played in the last 3 yrs or so, JK2 has seemed to be one of the least buggiest. Go play some CS or something mr "My name is from the Counter-Strike community" and shut your hole :)

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Originally posted by falo

The only reason I wouldn't mind a No CD crack is to save me having to dig around for the CD eveery time I want to play if I've been doing something else. It starts to get annoying after a while.


Whats so hard about that? You probably didn't have an issue taking 5 seconds to pop in a CD on your Playstation did you?

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As far as I know, most software lisences allow the purchaser to make ONE copy. This copy can be made for backup purposes ONLY. It's not so that you can stick it in your other computer for a LAN game.


Pirating is mean.

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i hate warez in every aspect, but lets take a look from another side


i buy nearly 30 games a year ( sometimes more)

and during the last years many games with copyprotection wont run on my system, caused BY the copy protection (the protection of diablo2, zax alien hunter,throne of darkness, sheep dog n wolf was incompatible with my onboard raid controller, no chance, talking with sony (wmakers of the copy protecion) knew this) and it takes 3 month to get a working game) lets remember infogrames outcast, i was not able to play it in the month after release , caused by the protection) so my last chance to get a chance playing, was a no cd crack, or a copy protection removing!!

i think in most cases the protection was against the buying customers and not the pirates.

no programm is save for getting cracked and the crackers find always a way to remove it, but the people paying their money for the game must wait longer to play the game, when having problems with the copy protaction, than the illegal users


its not, what it should be




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So if it's not ok to play from one copy on my lan regardless of how many computers I have. Then it must be safe to say that I should pay my ISP additional fees for each computer I have connected to my cable modem through my router too? Or how about I pay for the other 3 tv's hooked into the cable line even though I only have 1 converter? Hmmmmmmmm how about I pay for each phone in my house too even tough I have only one billable number.

Please spare me the bull****. I should be able to have a private LAN game with only 1 copy of the game. As far as online gaming goes I absolutley believe that you should each have a copy. Thats what cd keys are for.

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Originally posted by renz0r

Just playing the devils advocate here...


You don't think it is even a LITTLE unreasonable to be required to buy 3 copies of the same software for a home network?


I can understand the need for site licenses in the professional world, however, software developers should know their market. Few families are going to shell out the cash for two copies of one game, much less 3 or 4 copies (we are heading this direction - more and more families are getting more than two computers).


Correct me if I am wrong but I think HL does allow lan gaming (I think you just need to insert the CD during load, then you pass it around from computer to computer). Perhaps JK has a similar workaround.


You are wrong, to date, the only company I am aware of that supported playing networked over multiple computers from one CD is blizzard, and they caled it SPAWN copies. However, you will notice they ditched it, because even with it, little thieves f()cked them over.


Half Lifes CD protection scheme just did not prevent you from doing it, they, however, NEVER endorsed you doing it. nad JK's cd protection scheme does not prevent your from making a copy and using it, but they do NOT permit you to do it through the liscence agreement you read when installing the product.


SanguineLust as to your ISP read your agreement, some allow you to have as many as you want, others one, depends on the agreement you have. I have a friend in Orlando who has ethernet hooked to a local server hosted by the apartment company and they don't care how many computers he hooks to it, he is given X bandwidth to do with as he pleases, I have another friend in Jacksonville who has Mediaone cable, they use static IP's and you have to lease another IP for a month for each computer you hook to it, by the agreement.


Just like it depends on the software agreement you have ewith the game company, companies like blizzard used to allow spawn copies so several people could play it [even though they weakened the original diablo by forcing you to play the fighter when you did, starcraft and warcraft 2 were fully functional for multiplayer clients, though I can't recall if you could host a game through a spawn or not........ game like JK2 say 1 copy, 1 cmputer, that doesn't mean you can;t install it on 2, just means you can't play it on 2 at the same time, the CD crack allows you to, and thats a violation of your liscence afgreement. the same as speeding is, you get caught, you pay, and you don't generally walk into a highway patrol station and ask them where they won't clock you either, you just take your chance and speed if your going to do it. As to the phone company, look here whipper snapper, I remember when they DID change you per phone, BTW...

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what a sack of ****.


if i buy a ****ing game i'm going to make as many private copies of it for myself as i want to play on my lan. you don't pay cable subscribtion for every ****in tv you hook it up too.


theives screwed over blizzard? Blizzard's programmers are a joke for 1, secondly blizzard is one of the richest companies in the business they're not losing out on jack ****.


3rd, i'm not a "thief" , i never screwed over anyone, so it's not my problem.

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Actually WhiteChedda, mediaone hasn't been here in jacksonville for about 2 1/2 years now. It's been AT&T for a while now, and they tell you on their site how to hook up multiple pc's on one connection without paying for it.. No offense bro, just thought you should know this, and tell your friend because he's missing out

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This is the PUBLISHERS website and forum

This is a fan forum, we are independent from LucasArts. We are NOT the publisher.


if i buy a ****ing game i'm going to make as many private copies of it for myself as i want to play on my lan.

If by "as many private copies of it for myself as i want" you mean only 1 backup, that's perfectly legal.

you don't pay cable subscribtion for every ****in tv you hook it up too.

You're supposed to.

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no i mean multiple backups


and no, you don't have to pay cable for every extra tv you hook it up too. if you do in your neighborhood your cable company is cheap. we pay a flat rate here and get it on 3 tv's.

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