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MP Hosting problems


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I'm having troubles hosting an MP game. People can connect and play, but after a few minutes/seconds, they get disconnected. There's no error message in the console that I saw, just:

Name has disconnected.


I can join games fine, both dedicated and non dedicated servers. I just cant host.


As for my net settings, I'm on a cable modem, behind a router (Linksys router). Anyone familiar with Linksys routers, you know they have 'DMZ host' capabilities, which is SUPPOSED to allow free passage between the net and a specific local computer. I have DMZ host set to my computer.

I ALSO have the following ports open for both TCP and UDP protocol (which shouldnt matter, since i have DMZ enabled)




I was told to open up those specific ports when I was getting help from someone else, but obviously it didn't help since people still get disconnected when trying to play in my games.


If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it greatly.

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Good luck man, I have ADSL, no routers and have same problem and open ports to, I've hosted for days at a time and no one is able to join or appear shortly and then leave in 30 secs or so, no one has helped me, maybe no one knows what solution is?

I gave up and now just join games.

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We had to download an older firmware and then it worked fine. Here is a link: ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befsr41/befsr-1-39.zip

The newer firmware seems to cause problems. You will have to reopen the ports after installation and the password goes back to default.


P.S. I wish I could take credit for this but I got this solution from another forum. Also the computer did crash the first time he tried to install the firmware, but the second time worked fine.

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