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Cant get the Light Sabre, no matter what I try!


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I do what you have to do to get the lightsabre, I jump on the stone pillar to make it go down, I run towards the cage, I slow down time, I even force jump to get there quicker, I know you have to use the force pull, but it doesnt work for me. When do I use force pull? how far away, or how far must the cage be up or whatever? Also, do I have to be on either side of the obalisk that the cage is on? or just straight on? Must my aimer be targeted on the lightsabre directly?




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What I do is, I wait till the ledge goes down (raising the cage) and then turn on force speed, run up the ramp and to the cage, and at about 2 - 1.5 m out I force pull the sabre. I am about 10º offset from dead on, and aim relatively close to the sabre (don't think it has to be exact). There should be no need to jump to get there faster, as jumping can waste the force pool, therefore rendering pulling useless as you have no power. Good luck.

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I think the trick is to get everything prepped ahead of time.


When I did it, I stood on the stone to raise the cage, waited until my Force pool was full, turned on speed, then prepped pull.


As soon as I'd done that I sprinted up the ramp and towards the cage straight towards my lightsaber, and kept hitting pull as I ran.


Yes, I was aimed straight at my saber. The cage was almost to the ground when I pulled it out...it's a close calll.

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You can do it over the course of several attempts. Each time force as you run towards t he cage aiming generally at it. It moves a little bit each time before the cage closes and finally pops out before the cage closes. This one is a huge hassle. I finally did it though so I know it can be done.

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