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Star Wars 2


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I got to see it before any of you, so suck sh­it!


I remember Trap (and a few others of you) saying how Lucas wanted to call the movie "The Clone Wars" and couldn't so he was stuck with! You all said this and heinseight is all very well and good:


The movie only has the attack of the clones, NOT the clone wars, as we all thought!

(hilight above to read, not a real spoiler just a general remark about the plot)


Oh and to you Alien426... suck sh­it, I got to see the movie about 9 hours before you. -edit- make that it ended 8 hours before you. ie it started 8 hrs before yours started :)


Now, since Hoyts don't give you a numbered ticket you have to get in line early to get the good seats. 6 out of the 8 cinemas were showing Star Wars and they sold out (as I'm sure did the other 2 hoyts in Canberra and probably the other cinemas if they were showing a midnight screening)! Now I LOVED the film!! And the wait was definatly worth it.


Some comments... I joined the line at 5:40PM and at 6:30 Ken and Damian rocked up and I let them in. You would not beleive how many other people I knew going to the screening!! Anyway, I find Josep and let him in to our section of the line (he was in the outside section). The spot I got me and all my friends was very close to the front. And We got EXCELLENT seats... the best seats in the cinema... half way down, in the approx middle of the row.


I also got to meet toons of interesting people in the line, like the mob who were watching The Phantom Menace on their laptop in the line :) Anyhow, we we went in at 11:30 (movie didn't start 'till a bit after midnight) it was all worth it. Ken and my brother were in the same cinema... Joseph, Damien and the other guys were in diffrent cinemas.



Oh yes, but they confimed that the entire cinema (like ours, like myself) cheered on Yoda's Saber Fight!


The movie was... GREAT!! I loved it! And we didn't see any ads before it started due to some technical problems they were having, and didn't get to see the first trailer with sound... but they DID fix it for the movie nice an efficient they are. Now Ken, my brother (who rocked up at 11 and joined the queue) and I laughed at everyone who had worse seats then us (which is everyone except some guys on our seat-line).


Like I said, we had THE best seats! THE best experience! Not like the idiots in the front row.


There were 6 cinemas (out of the 8), 1,500 people and therefore only 6-dozen people with our great seats! Muhahahahahhahahahahaha


And everyone I met that day and didn't know were going before. IE, Ken, Damien, Joseph (I met Ken and Damien way earlier at about 2PM and we were "the first in the line" and aranged to meet back at 6. I was early, they were late).


Anyhow enough said about last night.... I hope you all LOVED the movie too! And I'll say this once more... suck sh­it I got to see it before ANY of you, ner-ner! That's right, now it's mid-day meaning it ended... oh about 9hrs, 40 mins ago... I LOVE IT!



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Originally posted by Alien426

Meksilon, you stoopid ****e, will you please post in the "Attack of the Clones." thread started by...


No, I wanted a new thread for people to talk about the film AFTER seeing it, the previous one was BEFORE we saw it! So we can you know discuss elements of the movie in here and anyone one else who dosen't want to read spoilers can use the other topic....



hmm, yes





Originally posted by Alien426

But I posted first, su<ker!

That is SO lame because... I saw it before you, I saw it before you ner ner ner ner ner!
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Originally posted by Trapezoid

I just saw it. It was great... All I can say is that Lucas learned from what people complained about in Ep 1, and that I really really want to see the next movie.


Hey! That's pretty much what I was gonna say!

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Hopefully it won't be as underrated as the Phantom Menace. PM is the worst of the series, but that's pretty much why it's underrated-- people thinks that, since it's the worst of the series, it's their mission to find as many faults as they can with it, even if underneath it all it's a decent flick.

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I quite liked TPM for what it was. Sure, it was too cute, Jar Jar and the gungans sucked, and the jokes were mostly flat, but the action was great! And Star Wars is supposed to be a bit lame - it's what makes it fun to watch.

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Originally posted by JollyRoger

i got to see it at 12:01 too:D

(that is the time you saw it, right?)


it wasen't as good as the original, but i liked it better then ep1


Not quite, I saw it at 12:01AEST which is long before what YOU call 12:01! I'm ahead in the time zone, I'm ahead in the time zone. lalalalalala.


TPM was a great film, I love it! I do think it's the worst, but I'm not saying it was a bad film cuz I'd still give it 8.5/10



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Ah yes. It has been a while since last I graced our hallowed forum. You see, I have been doing exams. And as they say in India, "6 down 8 to go Sanjeev."

Star Wars, however, took precedence. I say it on the thursday of release, and understood it to be a fantastic return to form. It rocks. I love it. DVD is out in October. Oh, and DON'T buy the Lord of the Rings DVD in August - wait till November when they release the full version. They like to rip us off, oh yes...

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Originally posted by Darnn

I've seen it.

It's just a film. Has too much boobs in it.

Hi, yeah I just saw it today too. Now that I've seen it 3 times I'm starting to think that it IS the best Star Wars film!


And WHY did Lucas direct it?!?!?!



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Originally posted by LucasTones

Ah yes. It has been a while since last I graced our hallowed forum. You see, I have been doing exams. And as they say in India, "6 down 8 to go Sanjeev."

Star Wars, however, took precedence. I say it on the thursday of release, and understood it to be a fantastic return to form. It rocks. I love it. DVD is out in October. Oh, and DON'T buy the Lord of the Rings DVD in August - wait till November when they release the full version. They like to rip us off, oh yes...

You know like 40% of my DVD collection is R1...



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Hee hee hee - my DVD player cost £90 (thats about, err, I dunno, $115) and it turns out theres a hack to make it multi-region and you can turn macrovision off (and then record to vhs) - and it all works, it aint bogus. The wierd thing is, the company (Pacific) I aint never heard of. They don't have a website, either...

"You are now entering another dimension - one of sights, and sounds..."

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Originally posted by LucasTones

Hee hee hee - my DVD player cost £90 (thats about, err, I dunno, $115) and it turns out theres a hack to make it multi-region and you can turn macrovision off (and then record to vhs) - and it all works, it aint bogus. The wierd thing is, the company (Pacific) I aint never heard of. They don't have a website, either...

"You are now entering another dimension - one of sights, and sounds..."


£90 = AU$236


My DVD player (bought last year end of Aug) cost me AU$350 it's an OMNI brand (used by various companies) and is made by Galas (http://www.galas.com.au). Model SLP4000g, All galas machines are multi-region and have no macrovision. What's more it boasts optical and coaxel out, DTS, MP3, CD-R/RW etc and has a built in 5.1 decoder. It's a fully loaded beast I assure you!


I beleive Galas is a division of Matsushita but don't quote me.



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1. I loved ep2, much better than ep1 and more action effects than in any sw movie before. And action quality? It was quite high quality. Especially the sabering.


2. Mek, lay off the language man. Makes you look like a lower class tar-pit cleaner.

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Originally posted by Scummbuddy

well, we wouldn't quote you. if we did, then we would always have such unneeded cursing and babble that no one cares about. where do you get off telling people around the world to s*** s*** . are they even your friends. i doubt it.

Oh, I'm just happy I got it before you guys. By the way the WORLD premire was in Syd.
Originally posted by QueZTone

2. Mek, lay off the language man. Makes you look like a lower class tar-pit cleaner.

A bit of vocab nver hurt.



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