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Lighting help! My Level glows! =P


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Ive scanned through all the topics on lighting i could find, and i read one where someone was having a similar problem, but none of the posted fixes worked for me. I have a map...some is indoors, some is outdoors. Im using the Kejim shader for my skybox. But i have a problem. no matter what i do, no matter how many lights or negative lights i put in, or whether i compile it anywhere from fullvis bsp to fastvis nolight, everything in my map is at full brightness.


can anyone here suggest some things to try? the other post mentioned that you had to have at least one light entity in the map, otherwise it would fullbright....well i put a light in and it didnt do anything. you would never know there was supposed to be a light there. please help if you can...




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its bright everywhere...like the light permeates all brushes and effects all textures...but i dont know where the light is coming from. ive tried kejim and kejim_light as my skyboxes...even just used a flat metal plating texture for my outer box, and the light was still there

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Recompile w/ FullVis(extra) like I said. AFAIK, there are only 3 valid reasons why your map can be totally fullbright.


1 - no light entities and no light emitting surfaces

2 - light stage is not compiled

3 - you've set r_fullbright to 1 in the console and I doubt you did that. To make sure type r_fullbright 0.




4 - your project settings file is screwed up and compile options are not properly defined so the light stage isn't getting compiled somehow. (highly unrealistic)


5 - you discovered a bug or something went terribly wrong during compilation.

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Originally posted by JRA_Wolf

Is your map less than 100kb? I know someone had this problem before and someone said that if your map is smaller than 100kb, it will make the level full brightness...


Hmm, I was unware of that. Do you mean BSP file size or map file size? But BSP which is less than 100Kb is basically tiny room w/ nothing in it.

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well i just figured out the problem...sort of. its my computer. i went back and recompiled a map i had done pre-winxp installation, one that i knew lighting worked on, and it turned out fullbright.


right after i installed win-xp a month or so ago, the dos compiling command was no longer working. so i came to these boards for help, and someone gave me a .bat script, something i could put in the tools folder or something and it would let me compile. well...it did...but obviously it doesnt do lights =P


anyone have a solution to this? another way to compile maybe? force compile with lighting?

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this is the script i got..:



map -bsp -samplesize 32 C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\\base/maps/test.map



map -vis -fast C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\\base/maps/test.map



map -light -extra -samplesize 32 C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\\base/maps/test.map



and i can compile from within radiant...the dos window just sits there, and doesnt display info like it used to, but after a short while the time stamp on the .bsp file changes to show that its been updated.

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C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\sof2map -bsp C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\base\maps\test.map 
C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\sof2map -vis C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\base\maps\test.bsp 
C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\sof2map -light -extra C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\base\maps\test.bsp


This should work. Run the BAT from windows and not Radiant. Is your map's name temp? If not, change it accordigly.

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Hmm I had Tigris trying to help me too...he gave me a couple of different .bat files to try, and all they do is open for a second, then close, without compiling them. am i doing something wrong with the .bat? is winxp closing it down before it can compile?

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There is probably a path problem in your batfile

Try this : (if it is not to elite for you :D )


put the batfile in your c:\



type cmd

enter (this opens a dosbox)




then type the name of your batfile without the .bat behind it

it should execute and show you what is wrong. If your batfile has a longer name than 8 it might not execute, then you got to find its short name :


dir /x /p


that gives you the shortname of your batfile.

Hope this helps.

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Unikorn! you elite bastard! lol you solved my problem. I wanna thank everyone here for helping me set up the script, and unikorn for giving me a way to see that i typed it wrong ;) thanks guys!




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