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Game freezing and crashing


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Actually posting or a mate and not myself as my JK2 runs great. :)


He just got the game today on my recomendation'but is having real problems.


He has


Win XP

1.4 Ghz CPU

512 Ram

Radeon 7200 ATI graphics card he says is using driver 6.13??

I can confirm every other game he has runs fine.


The problems he is having are


That during the FMV he presses enter to get straight to the game and nothing happens.


Also if he gets to the Gameplay it runs great'but if he trys to save or get to the options by escaping the game hangs every time.


Any ideas?



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The cutscenes (they're not FMV) aren't skippable. It's a b!tch when you've seen them 12 times already, but Raven hasn't patched that little bug yet. The game hanging when trying to drop to the menu is a video card/driver problem. Best bet is to experiment with different driver levels/card settings to get what works.

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