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New Project by Bloodriot and Absath


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Lime-light, dont trash talk people's work by saying they look "Craped up." Thats $%# up that you would say that to them. Helpful critisism is always accepted, but flat out saying someones work sucks. Thats messed up. You probably don't edit at all, and guess its easy and ****, or you wouldn't be saying that. If you don't like someones model, make your own instead of bitching about it. You sound like a damn liberal!!


Anyway, I think this character you guys made looks outstanding. I'm sure you'll make a great sp storyline to go with it. I can't wait to see your guys next piece of work.

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Hehe.. ok guyz I've cooled down now :)


Let's all stick to the context.


Well I'm still in the process of recording the custom sounds for this one. Although it hurts like hell to sit in front of a computer screen with this bloody flu i got.


Either way, Absath and myself will try to get this dude up for download by tonight.


See you guyz soon.

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Originally posted by Strider_W11

Lime-light, dont trash talk people's work by saying they look "Craped up." Thats $%# up that you would say that to them. Helpful critisism is always accepted, but flat out saying someones work sucks. Thats messed up. You probably don't edit at all, and guess its easy and ****, or you wouldn't be saying that. If you don't like someones model, make your own instead of bitching about it. You sound like a damn liberal!!


Anyway, I think this character you guys made looks outstanding. I'm sure you'll make a great sp storyline to go with it. I can't wait to see your guys next piece of work.


I dont know if you got the name wrong or something, but I was referring to Raven sucking, and how much I like BoodRiot and Absath's work. Maybe you should read a post before you slam someone about something they never even said. And I have done editing, and I do recogize how difficult it is.


And agian, great job guys!

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like it a lot, i stil dont like the face, but you wont see that in game anyway.


You didnt say who or what you were talking about. I did read your post, and it sounded like you were talking about Abs and blood's character. Maybe YOU should reread what you type before posting it.


But I dont want to start an arguement, so I'm not gonna say anything more about it. Keep it up blood and abs

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Stunning stuff. Truely amazing.


but... but...


If you don't like someones model, make your own instead of bitching about it. You sound like a damn liberal!!


You mean the... err.... liberals who are... mmm... modelers.


If you don't know squat about politics, don't talk about. Immitating daddy doesn't make you sound big.


Sorry... sorry... I couldn't help it... I'll download the model IMMEDIATELY to atone for my OT sins.


Keep up the great work.



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Ok.. you satisfied my question Absath :)


And I'm VERY impressed with the additions and the Sith skin too. Personally I hope you two guys do alot more original stuff like this.


Ahh.. if only I had the power to skin/model. ;) But alas that is not for me.

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Any updates?




Well I'm still in the process of recording the custom sounds for this one. Although it hurts like hell to sit in front of a computer screen with this bloody flu i got.


Are you literally RECORDING the sounds when you have the flu? I must be mistaken!


Boy, when he gets hit, it's really gonna sound painful....




Am I the only one who has no clue what the hell this thing is?




What could that possibly be?!

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Who cares about that guy i want to know where to download this when it comes out b/c JediKnightII.net it says:


Please Note the majority of the files are down for maintenance. We will announce when they are back up, on JKII.net's main page. Thank you for your patience.



SOOOO where is it gonnnna be?



MUST.... HAVE.....


NEW.... MODELS....

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Yeah we've noticed that as well. Hopefully it will be cleaned up soon. I'm going to speak with James from jkii.net and ask him what the situation is. Hopefully you will be able to get the DL from jkii.net. I dont have much faith in Massassi or Polycount, because we sent them the Mandalorian pack and to my knowledge they still havent hosted it.... perhaps jk2files.com.


We'll look into it ;) we're finishing up the custom sounds right now, and im just doing some last minute tweaks to the skin.


We have decided on his name as well. Tyrion Kane is what he shall now be known as ;)


I can also give you a bit more information about the SP mod we'll be doing with this guy. To put your mind at ease, it will not just be a simple plug and play sp conversion for the jk2 game. We are going to be creating an entirely new storyline focusing on Tyrion as the player character. The storyline will chronicle his decent to the dark side at the hands of a Sith lord, and the conflict that follows. To follow in suit with the Star Wars genre, we will be releasing this storyline in a trilogy. Each Episode of the story will contain multiple chapters, featuring entirely new characters, levels, textures and sounds.


For those of you that are worried that this will interrupt our production of models, fear not. We will be creating new key players for this storyline, including obviously the Sith master that tempts Tyrion to the dark side, as well as perhaps Tyrion's former Jedi trainer, among others. These will all be made playable for MP as well as in our SP storyline. And once we have succsefully told our story, we will be allowing the community to make use of our models and textures etc for their own storytelling purposes.


So keep an eye out. either blood or myself will post here when the models have been released.




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I can also give you a bit more information about the SP mod we'll be doing with this guy. To put your mind at ease, it will not just be a simple plug and play sp conversion for the jk2 game. We are going to be creating an entirely new storyline focusing on Tyrion as the player character. The storyline will chronicle his decent to the dark side at the hands of a Sith lord, and the conflict that follows. To follow in suit with the Star Wars genre, we will be releasing this storyline in a trilogy. Each Episode of the story will contain multiple chapters, featuring entirely new characters, levels, textures and sounds.


which time period in star wars is this set in?

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Well this project is something I have in mind ever since JK1.

Back then I had thought of something like a fanfic that takes place a bit after the events of the Valley of the Jedi. Not necessarily 100% wih SW events or characters.


Right now that has changed. I wanted to make this more compatible or at least not going against the official stuff.


I want this story to include the less official stuff as possible tho, maybe like it's something that nobody ever noticed it happened. The main characters will all be original characters.


As for the timeline, well... since i changed my mind about not going against official stuff I decided that shortly after JK1 wont do at all. So the only two choices possible will be after the Jedi are reborn thanks to Luke's Academy or somewhere between the Golden Age up to the Clone Wars where most of the Jedi were wiped out. This is due to the fact that the storyline must start off with the typical Master/Padawan relationship going on an assignemnt. I shall have to be extra careful and I want to make this a very intense emotional and stressing but as real as it can be in StarWars. I can say at this point that this will mostly favor adventure and RPG instead of all time hack and slash (although some good saber action WILL be present).


Well as much as I'd like to spill my beans cuz I'm really excited about this, this is all you can have for now. A thread on this SP mod will be created when We feel ready to show you what we are doing.


Well until then please dont ask anymore question cuz this is all you're gonna get :)

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Just a question guys.. If you want I could host the model for the time being on my webhost.. No bandwith restrictions or anything, but chances are it would be taken down withint 2 days or so.


If you want to, just drop me an e-mail with the file (a slong as it's not larger than 10 MB :) )and I'll get it up immediately. If not, perfectly understandable.


Great work!

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