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Poll: Server Admins - Will you take your server down if Raven doesn't patch Backstab?


If Raven fails to patch 1.03''s backstab/backslash, will you take your server down?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. If Raven fails to patch 1.03''s backstab/backslash, will you take your server down?

    • Hell yes! I\'ve had it with the spammers and broken moves!
    • No, they\'re easily avoided so I don\'t care.
    • I\'m not sure yet, I want to wait awhile longer.
    • I really don\'t care one way or the other.

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I think there is a good chance of it happening on my server( currently running cs, jk2 x2, rtcw). With other games coming out like sof2 and nwo and nwn, ( and I want to put at least two of them up ) then something will probably have to go, and it could well come down to which is the most frustrating to admin, (ie, from which server do I get the most whiney emails from )

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if they would not have released the source code, then i definetly would wait until the next patch and hten decide if im still interested in the game. but for now im looking for helping myself on this. instead of complaining we could gahter resources and make a server only mod which makes it possible to adjust damage values by cvars like the other commands allready known. check the general editing forums for that please and help the community help itself. tho raven did a good job(i didnt expect it) it never was the game developer who made the game worthplaying, bt the modding community, remember action quake 2 or counter-strike? actually im not interessted in a total conversion or a major mod, which should be a compliment to raven, but the balancing issue will keep bugging us and them until they either get it right or give us the power to do it. now they did and i hope to see some server mods out there...

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Running a saber only server, I have to say I really want to get more involved with things for this game, but I also must say that if it doesn't get any better from here on out, then I don't forsee staying in this game.


At this point I must spend an overt amount of time policing the rules I have on the server. These are my rules.


1. No direct hostility towards anyone with they're saber down.

2. Anyone who has to take more than 3 steps backwards and/or turn more than 30 degrees to backsweep/backstab gets kicked.

3. Lightning is disabled only.


Now the first one is my own incarnation so be it, but the second I believe is just due to this game not being properly finished. And also the 3rd being disabled is also a problem. Now we can debate till the cows come home about it all, but hte bottom line is, if we do not enforce these rules most of the server will look like this.


Lightning and backstab spammers, assfighters all around, and 1 or 2 guys actually trying something new. And then of course a full server of just chaotic rambling by people complaining, and people defending they're 2 move l33t skills. Oh and don't let me forget the crash script kiddies.


As far as what should be done, I've seen at least 3 very good threads on the subject. All I know as an admin is that I want to enforce less rules. This game is simply not like any other fps really. I mean the cheapest thing in past fps games you could do was to be camper. But hell even camping takes more skill than the cheap moves we have here. But the only skill required now, is that you talk someone into telling you how to bind a couple of the spam moves and off to ass kicking you go.

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ok now we have a coding forum. what are you waiting for? chrismas? thats not happening! stick around that saber damage thread i started, its coming along pretty well. i hope to get the coding soon enough to start testing on my own server. its not much realy, just playing around with the values. i hope more information comes to daylight so i can do less playing around but start changing the right values...

btw. i am a friggin grafix dude and no coder! i hope this is over soon. but if u want something done quick...

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the only annoying persone here are you. ok he makes some extreme propositions here but its a frustrating time for admins and players too. at least for the saber only pro gamers and admins who want clean servers with leet players dedicated to saber fights and not spaming around with annyoing stuff. i dont know what ypur are playing in jk2(ffa ?) but duels are less fun rightnow.

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I'm more concerned about them fixing the saber blocking and the nerfed force heal/drain... drain needed adjustment, yes... but not heal... As for the backstab... i use it... but, it is lame and should be weakened a bit as well... I'd like to see the focus more on saberfighting like what you might see in the movies rather than running backward wildly taking only backswings to kill...

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The opinion of a server admin and clan leader ...


The basic issue here is the 1 hit kill moves. I believe that any move that can kill a person with 1 hit should not be in the game. I've played on servers where the newbies picked up n the move and used it everytime to kill their opponent, yet when the same person attempted to pursue an actual saber fight with someone, they lost miserably. Not all people are like this, but a lot are. Some people just use the move to annoy people. Either way, in can be a skilless tactic that anyone who can read a forum can learn to do. My 2 cents to Raven ... just take the 1 hit kills and make them 2 hit kills. If you can force knock a person twice and stab them twice, take the kill.


For the people who say its a realistic move ... its Star Wars!! The only thing realistic in the game is the human being. Realistic would be you actually feeling pain when the move is done ... and if it were like that .. you wouldn't play this game at all. Lets try and work together to make this game enjoyable for everyone. 2 hit kills should be implemented asap.


What if Raven doesn't change anything?


Most likely my server will remain. There are honorable teams, such as Team Valar, who know how to use the moves, but choose to let skill prevail in the game. I tip my hat to those gents for their aggressive skill and tactics on the servers. To clans who use soley 1 hit killz, ... should the patch come that takes them away... you'll be looking up the ladder.


May Skill and honor prevail in the end ....

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And lemme tell you why. If Raven doesn't nerf the backstab, about 15 MODs will. With the release of the code, we've got the power in our hands to build the game we want -- just as people have done so with Tribes, etc. (although perhaps to a lesser extent).


At this point, the only thing I want Raven doing, really, is ensuring the server is stable and bug free.

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Originally posted by Falryx




Hmmm...then I think it's quite difficult to vote, if we don't know what it's about...


I really don't care how to do it...but I would like to know, what the problem is...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Simple: They're just as cheap as any other spammed move in all out FFA games, and are difficult to pull off in duels. If I get backstabed in a duel, the opponent deserves to win.



clan leader/server admin

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