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=DS=Tekken (Dark Sentinels)


but mostly


Stealthy Cow


I've had people ask me, "How can a Cow be Stealthy?", usually after I've managed to blind-side 'em....


Also, once had almost an entire server yelling, "Dammit! We can't lose to a frickin COW!!!"


Beware the CFA (Cow From Above) !!!!! :D :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Elegy

Heh, I see you've watched Dune. Excellent movie.


OOooh Dune. Mmm, so wonderful. I watched the 80's movie first, and it was kind of off (I learned after that there is like an hour cut out of the movie thanks to studio concerns:mad:--I would get the DVD but the footage isn't added) but I fell in love pretty easily.


Then I found and watched the Dune 2000 miniseries, which made a lot more sense, and it was good in a different way. Finally I read the book, and came to the conclusion that I did it in exactly the right order. If I had watched the Miniseries or read the book first, the Movie would have been so terrible, but as it is it's thoroughly fun.


Anyway, as soon as they re-enable avatars I have a really cool Paul-Muad'Dib picture set up that will become my Avatar, and my profile is Dune laden...hee hee hee--yeah, I am what the french call 'le nerd'

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I go by SkinWalker... a Native American Legend. But in attempt to be true to the name, I've bound (binded?) a couple of keys to changes skins during the middle of a fight / duel. Just to be funny more than anything.


Like my avatar? One day maybe I'll take a week off work and figure out how to create a model like it...



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Thats my zone.com name too, so add me to ur list...


My RP Char.(not yet modelled):



Jate's Saber(not yet modelled):


Might havta take out the KoA, cuz i might not be able to join(Asked too many questions at their forums)

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Originally posted by Vestril


OOooh Dune. Mmm, so wonderful. I watched the 80's movie first, and it was kind of off (I learned after that there is like an hour cut out of the movie thanks to studio concerns:mad:--I would get the DVD but the footage isn't added) but I fell in love pretty easily.


Then I found and watched the Dune 2000 miniseries, which made a lot more sense, and it was good in a different way. Finally I read the book, and came to the conclusion that I did it in exactly the right order. If I had watched the Miniseries or read the book first, the Movie would have been so terrible, but as it is it's thoroughly fun.


Anyway, as soon as they re-enable avatars I have a really cool Paul-Muad'Dib picture set up that will become my Avatar, and my profile is Dune laden...hee hee hee--yeah, I am what the french call 'le nerd'


Guess I did it in wrong order, I read the first book, and now I'm downloading the 80's movie and the miniserie 2000.

But I LOVE the book, it's great! I'm certainly going to read the other 5 as well.



BTW: Wallace is my online name or Wallace3kn.


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I've changed my preference to No Force Saber Only Duel


I just got so sick of all the a$$runners and Spammers. You get a good fair fight in Duel - much more fun!


Booyah!! Another Dueler created :D



Guess I did it in wrong order, I read the first book, and now I'm downloading the 80's movie and the miniserie 2000.

But I LOVE the book, it's great! I'm certainly going to read the other 5 as well.


Yeah...the 80's movie...well don't expect it to be like the book. It's kind of like the book, but then again there are some interesting additions. Try to think of it as it's own movie, rather than based strictly off of the book :p (it's good, but not if you're expecting what you read :)).


I plan on reading Frank Herbert's books, but unfortunately my arch-nemesis Kevin J. Anderson co-wrote the other books, making it unlikely that I'll ever read them :(

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