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favorite civ

bill r

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[jedi3112: Eizo131 that's exacly what happened, but shouldn't we all know this. It's what Count Dooku told to Obi-Wan just before the arena battle, he said 'The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic is a Sith']


Technically what he said was that the Senate was under the control of a Sith Lord. This is not the same thing. First of all, it's not PAINFULLY obvious, although both films are DRIPPING with evidence that this is where it's heading, especially for those of us who saw 4,5,6 and know how it all turns out.


At this point, only Palpatine and Dooku know who Palpatine really is. The Jedi don't know, the Trade Federation doesn't actually know, they seem to think that a Sith is controlling senators from the outside. There are TONS of clues planted in the films, but they are subtle and veiled to the point where there are STILL some geniuses on theforce.net who are posting threads claiming that Palpatine and Sidious are two different people.


Anyway, my point is, he didn't name the Chancellor specifically, or else the Council would have singled him out. What he said was the Senate was controlled by the Sith, a much more difficult mystery to solve. Too late, as it turns out.

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And I like the Rebs and the Empire prior to CC.


Now that it's out they are still sentimental favorites, but the Republic has the best of both worlds. Good troops (FU TC pumps out 40!!!! troops per minute), decent air, good mechs, good Jedi... they rock!

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compared to like the Empire, no not really, but I shooed away a rush last week with a small handful of strikes and MDs. They are at the least, fairly effective.


Or, this could be another example of how all the civs are basically the same.

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I like the X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings and airspeeder. But I wish they had added themon calamari cruiser, escort frigates, corellian corvettes, b-wing, v-wing, millenium falcon to the airbase. I really wanted to see the snowtroopers from hoth added as toy box units. I also wanted to see rebel hoth troopers, rebel endor troopers, speeder bike scouts from Return of the Jedi and imperial interrogator droids from star wars. I also would of like to seen republic assualt ship added to republic airbase trade federation battleship to it's airbase. Star destroyer Imperial class I and II, super star destroyers, death star I and II and lamda class shuttle to empire airbases. Add captain and admiral piett, general nadine, general rieekan, admiral ackbar, mon momtha, admiral ozzel, captain needa. Oh and add imperial royal guards to empire sith temple. increase shields, attack, armor, duraarmor on At-At's and increase population from 250 to 500 units. Increase carrying capacity of At-At, ship transports, air transports to 25 units. Have capital ships carrying capacity 25-50 units. I hope lucasarts makes these changes in the next official update or patch or expansion pack.:trooper::deathstar:deathii::atat::fett:

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The Empire had better troops, mechs, weapons, ships in the movies. Why not make them the same way in next update or expansion pack. Rebels were whimpy. Did they have weapons or ships that were more powerful than empire. Heck no! I am tired of using the 3 cheat ships because they are unrealistic. The star destroyer and blackade runner are powerful yes, but they shoot one shot and reload time is too long. They just took the air cruiser idea of all 6 of the civilazations and just slapped a picture of the two ships. There armor and shields stink too. I mean it only takes a few shots from a x-wing, a-wing or airspeeder to destroy it. That didn't happen in the movies. The death star had the correct armor and shields and attack but was not to scale. At least make it bigger than that. Or put it as a toy box unit. :deathstar:deathii:

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If the rebls were so freakin whimpy why the hell did they blow the 2 deathstars up and why the hells were imperials turning sides to the rebels, the deathstar should be 20 times as big as it is now, maybe bigger, then put it as a toybox. I also think the star destroyers and the blocade runner should NOT have an aircruiser attack but have 5 laser guns (i.e fighters laseer guns)


I also would like to see ALL the rebel aircraft.


My favourite civilizations are the Republic and Rebels

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What I meant by whimpy is they had less resources and were always hiding in remote places? There bases weren't big! They were scattered throughout the galaxy. The empire has resources all over the place. Big bases and ships! They were a dictatorship with lots of power. they used fear eg super star destroyers and death stars to scare the rebels and other civilations.:deathstar:deathii:


I want to see all the rebel ships and empire ships. Add all the main and semi-main characters as toy box units from all 5 movies and some of the EU charcters:




Admiral Ackbar

General Nadine

Captain Needa

Mon Momtha

Admiral thrawn

General Rieekan

Admiral Ozzel

Old and Young Owen Lars and Aunt Beru

The two dancing girls from Jabba's palace

Snowtroopers (To make Hoth Scenarios)

Rebel Hoth Troopers (To make Hoth Scenarios)

Endor REbel Troopers (To Make Endor Scenarios)

Imperial Interrgator Droids to make death star scenarios

Add Han and Luke wearing stormtrooper outfits

Add Wedge in X-wingf

Add Luke on a Tautaunn

Add Luke's outfit from Dagobah

Add Luke with his tatoonie outfit from Episode IV

Add Leia in her Jabba slave suit and her in her endor suit

Add Leia in her Episode V suit.


Add new planets to Star Wars Locales in single player mode like

Coursant, Kamino, Bespin, Cloud City, Corellia, Alderaan.


Increase population to 500 units per civilation for sure and maybe up to 1000 units.

Increase shields, armor, duraarmor and attack on AT-AT and make it more resistant to Air attack and ground attack

Increase armor and shields on all bombers and fighters so anti-air and fighters have a hard time killing each unit.

When they add capital ships, make sure they don't use air cruiser attack as there weapon. Make them fire 4 or 5 lasers and make them hard to destroy with good armor and shields.

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Hmm. More crazy ideas to deal with.

Joe. Um, must you state your ideas in every single thread you post in? It's getting irritating. Put them where you are supposed to put them. This is a favourite civ thread, not a 'what shall we put on this civ' thread.

Do you know why LA did the units the way they did? Because that's the way the AoE engine worked, and primarily,

Because It's A Game!

Gameplay --> realism.

What you are basically saying is:

"I want the empire to be amazingly powerful and the rebels to be incredibly sucky, cos that's how it was in the movies."

I guess you are assuming the rebels will have some kind of unique tech like 'trench run' that makes them kill Imps way easier... lol.

That's the only way I can see to balance what you're saying!

Some of your toybox characters might be cool, but honestly, it's like you're making an action figure set!

We'll have:

Han Solo (normal)

Han Solo (stormtrooper)

Han Solo (piloting)

Han Solo (on tatooine)

Han Solo (rebel)


AND a whole bunch of useless characters eg. dancing girls.

What are you planning to do, make a campaign that exactly and precisely echoes the movies?

For that you'll need a "luke with no stormtrooper helmet." :p

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Wookiees, Gungans, Empire, Trede Fed and Confederacy, in that order.


I like the Naboo architecture, but other than that, they are sooo boring. The Republic and Rebels are a bit too simalar to the Empire.


Is it my imagination, or do the Rebels and Republic consist fo a number of different species and not just humans. Where are the Mon Cals and Bothans?

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Jedi 3112


First of all, get a name.


I know Dooku told Obi Wan Palpatine is a Sith, but why didn't anyone believe him?


If the Jedi were so stupid they coundn't see what was happening in front of their own eyes then they deserved to get slaughtered by Vader.

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Because Dooku is a Sith, remember what Yoda said at the end, he also said that it's hard to see the dark side, but I agree the jedi were stupid not to keep an eye on the senate. By the time EpII ends they decide to keep an eye on the senate, but than it's already too late

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For the record, Dooku didn't mention Palpatine by name, he only said a Sith Lord was controlling members of the Senate. Only we, who get to see everything that goes on, and have seen Ep 4/5/6 20 years in the future, know who he's talking about.

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