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Event in Yavin Trials....how would you duplicate it?


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In the Yavin Trials, where you retrieve your lightsaber, towards the end there is a part where you have to cut ropes to cause the attached blocks of stone to fall and it opens doors.


My question is how to duplicate that effect? What im looking for, is when one or more brushes are destroyed, the brush they are supporting falls. how would this be set up? ive tried a couple of trigger combinations with no luck. any ideas?




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I don't think scripting is necessary for that.


Make the rope a func_breakable and the rock a func_door or func_plat. Target the func_breakable to activate the func_door/plat. And then of the func)door/plat would target the actual door to unlock it (or something like that).


Play around with that method and you should be able to achieve the desired results.

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yeah it does....but the catch is that im not doing the exact same thing as the trials....just the same principle =P i wanted a series of wooden platforms help up by ropes on each corner. the ropes would be breakable, and after all of the ropes were cut the platform would break or fall or whatever. im pretty sure that would require a script =P


i can make it so that any ONE of the ropes broken will trigger the platform...


without the SP source code to reference, i dont think theres much that can be done =P


oh well




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Well, being inspired by your question (:D ), I did some experimenting and got it to work. What I have is bunch of columns, supporting a balk. When all of them are destroyed , the balk falls down. If you wan't I'll post a the script and explain it.

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Quite easy.


Make the ropes func_breakable.


Connect rope A with an invisible door above the visible door, so that it can't go up.

If you cut rope A, the invisible door will open.


Connect rope B with the visible door. If rope A has been already destroyed, the door will open. If rope A is still intact, the invisible door will stop the visible door from moving.


You could also make both ropes connected to invisible doors and make the visible door working all the time.

Once both ropes are cut and the invisible doors are open (check the TOGGLE field), the visible door works!!!


not scripting necessary at all!!!

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well the idea would be to have the invisible door(s) to be placed right in front of the actual door which would be covering up a trigger which will activate the door. So only when all the invisible doors are moved will you be able to get to the trigger to activate the door. They would all have to be very thin brushes for the illusion to work however.

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