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Play has degraded


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Yup, this is another person venting over the game. MP has degraded horribly. Why? Because people don't bother to follow the set rules of a server. It's a simple concept. There's servers out there for all types of games. I don't go joining the servers where everyone's allowed to run around and slaughter the people with text boxes up and mass electrocute the people gathered around waiting to duel, and then piss and moan about sabers down and how suddenly everyone has to follow it. But likewise I'd appreciate it if people made sure to follow that stuff when I go to a server specifically put up for that kind of gameplay. It's an easy concept to follow, and if the sabers down people stuck to their own servers and the kill-crazed hack-the-afk and rack up as many points as possible players stuck to their own servers, alot of this **** would be avoided.


I'm about ready to just say fuçk it with the MP of this game. I'm definately going to be taking a break from it for a few weeks, I think I need to. At least the modding community of this game kicks ass, so I have the blitzball servers to go to. So I can at least feel like my 50 bucks is still being put to good use. But the standard MP modes of this game seem to have gone right down the poop shoot because people don't know how to stick to their own damn servers. The honorless players are getting on my nerves and I'm pretty sure I'm getting on theirs. Why? Because we're not all sticking to our own damn servers!!!

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Im sympathetic to your frustration, and I see where youre coming from, but you are,as my father would say, "Beating a dead horse". The only way you could get EVERYONE to follow your rules would be to mod a server so that there was no other alternative. The game was designed around everyones playing style, not the few that want there to be an extra "honor code" associated with it. If youve read any of my posts youll know that Ive always disagreed with the people that think there should be additional restrictions, rituals, movements, whatever added to the game. That would satisfy maybe 20% of the JKII population (consider that a high or low estimate in your opinion) but what about the other 80%? A perfect example is that Luke Skywalker may be merciful and bow to people (something Ive never heard of seen a Jedi do) but Boba Fett would not. The game was not titled "Jedi Knight:Honor Code" nor should it be.


(Before any of you honor code guy start complaining and saying how big of jerk I am, let me again throw down, this is my OPINION. Im definitely not a 1-hit-kill-whore. I get pissed about backstabbers and assfighters just as much as the rest of you, but there isnt anything I can do to stop them, so I dont complain. I just play for fun, and if someone on the server is making it lame, I go somewhere else, simple as that)

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I have no idea why an evil sith (who practices the force through lies and deceit) should consider bowing out of repect to a jedi in the first place. I always play light side but I still do not feel that all people should be bound by honor. It's just the way things are. If a person does not play with honor then that just gives me more satisfaction killing them. If they play with no honor and keep killing me then I just get frustrated and move on to another server lol. To each his own though.

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I do not expect a Sith Jedi to bow, but I do expect them to fight their own battles. I don't mind taking on two guys, but when they team up to slaughter you . . please . . doesn't this go against the principle of Star Wars any way? I thought there was only supposed to be one Master and one Sith or Sith Lord to the dark side, because they all tend to kill each other . . I read that somewhere but maybe I am wrong . .

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I guess my number one complaint here is that you're right, there's different styles of play for each person in this game. I'm not bashing one or the other. And I don't think anyone is an ass for playing the other way instead of a way I like to play. I'm merely getting pissed off because nobody seems to respect the other person's playing preferences. There are servers out there that are made specifically for sabers down. And then there are servers out there that weren't made to cater for that. When I go to a server that doesn't cater to sabers down, I don't piss and moan that my saber was down or that I was typing a message. I respect the fact that this server is there to avoid gamers like me and that this is how the people there play. So I accept it and just play if I'm on such a server. But when I connect to one of the servers that caters to the way I and others like to play, then I expect the non saberists code people to respect that as I would them when I'm on their servers. What's the point of having all these different types of servers if everyone's going to just disregard them anyways?

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There is a mod out there (or currently being worked on) that makes it so that you take no damage or have any forces act on you if you are in console, and makes saber off = peace a reality w/ certain cvars set. I suspect it will be a server side mod, which would greatly help people have servers that enforce such rules. W/out an admin in spec mode, it's hard to deal w/ llamas, and a lot of times, vote kick is disabled. Oh well...

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I think that it makes perfect sense. If you are going to join someone's server that actually "states" these rules, you should follow them. The result otherwise would be a banning. Is the game designed for everyone....yes. However, your a f***ing a@@ if you don't respect the rules of play on a server. An argument keeps coming up for the solution...."If you don't like it, go to another server"!!! Exactly the point. This server has specific rules and if you're going around and killing people with sabers down...or chatting, get the hell out! Don't argue with them. There are so many servers out there...there really should not be a problem.


Every game has a set of rules...and every game administrator will add rules to make the game "fair" in their mind. If you can't respect it...start your own god damned server and do what ever the hell you want.


Time for a beer.

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