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Need Help finding the doomgiver, I am in....


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Please, can someone help me. I am in the hanger where the two turret guns are located on each side. I have been upstairs on the elevators and have activated all switches up there. However, there is on switch up there that controls the main hanger door. I have been through all the other rooms and hallways that are located in the next hanger, and now I am stuck. Is there a secret door that I am missing or what??? Please someone put me on the path to the doomgiver!!!!!

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At the top of the lifts there is a room with two consoles. At the left one there is a symbol at the top, one left, and one right. Click so that the right is highlighted, and then go over to the other console and click it. Then the righter hangardoor will open. Go through and kill the stormies. From there you can go on top of the ship and jump up to the walkway. From there, destroy the ventilation thingy right above and jump through it.

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