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Setting kick damage to 0


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I'm trying to figure out a way to set the kick damage to 0, while still being able to maintain the force jump of 3. Main reason I want to do this is that I have a jumpaholic in the Tribe, and he keeps kicking people accidently while doing his stuff. If there is a bit of code I can add to change that, I'd be very happy. Thanks in advance.

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Nitemare - the MOD looks very interesting. I downloaded a copy and looked at the readme. I like that everything is customizable in the mod but I wish the readme had more info on what some of the CVARS do. I'll test this tonight but I have some questions...


Did you increase backstab damage becuse the default number is higher???


cvars: default original(source code release)

saber_bluebsmax 70 30

saber_bluebsmin 15 2

saber_bluespmax 20 30

saber_bluespmin 5 2

saber_blue 30 35

saber_yellowbsmax 70 25

saber_yellowbsmin 16 2

saber_yellowspmax 80 80

saber_yellowspmin 45 2

saber_yellow 60 60

saber_redbsmax 85 30

saber_redbsmin 32 2

saber_redspmax 180 180

saber_redspmin 32 2

saber_redmax 120 120

saber_redmin 70 2


saber_hitbox 16

Lower this for less blocking???


duelffa 0

This is for more duels at the same time right? Does this mess up FFA or Team FFA modes. What if the server goes into the duel gametype? What happens then??? Is this a different game type or just a setting?


wdam_kick // kick damage(1 is minimum, 18 is default)

kickchance // the chance to knock someone to the ground (1 to 10)

These are pretty clear



wdam_saber1 Lightsaber


wdam_light Force Lightning Damage

These are percentage of damage variables right? So I could make it less then 100 (100%) for less damage and over 100 for more damage???

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no the default value is that in my mod. and the original ones are those from the source code, to low for my taste but i thought u might want to have them.

better not mess with saber hitbox but yes it reduces blockings. i would not recomend this to be higher, if u want more blocking do the ghoul2 thing. duelffa is just a setting. set it to 1 if u want those features. it makes no sense to have shields absorbing damage since players can soke up as many shields they can get befor a fight and i dont know how to forbid those items yet. i dont recomend this in duel gametyppe or team games cuz it does not make sense. in duel mode u wont want to have god mode players if they holster the saber but in ffa games people tend to anarchy and chaos instead of clean duels. so make an ffa game with no weapons and set duelffa to 1. if u want to make force usement more tactical set g_forceRegenTime to 2000 or higher. so they cant regenerate force in a reasonable time during duels. if u got map rotation better make a separate config for each and every one wich contains the different settings. so u can switch off duelffa in non ffa gametype and so on...

wdam_saber2 has actually been removed and replaced by saber_throw wich represents the real number, 30 is default and i did not bother to change that since i dont allow throw anyway on my server. i just forgot to update the readme...

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Ok Nitemare, that looks like something I could go for, but I have one question...I am running the u1.04 mod already on the server because of all the backstab whores out there, so what I want to know is this....Would I have to get all my players to download this mod as well, and would it work in conjunction with the u1.04 mod? I like the idea of being able to set all the saber hit strength, and kick strength, but I don't want to inadvertantly have bs'ers back on the server.

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Wow thanks Nitemare. This mod sounds really great. Just the saber_throw and the kick damage reduction is sooo great. I like to have these on my server. Ya know more options to me is better but lowering the damage that kick and throw do is a must!


Also I like your approach to backstabbing. You don't try to nullify it and make it so tha you can't move at all. It has its place in the game but lowering the damage that is does is excellent.


The best part is that its totally configurable for each admin to adjust it to their liking and for those that play on their server. Thanks for the tip on setting the duelffa cvar only for FFA games. I'll let you know how my testing goes. Thanks!


Goldeagle this is a server only MOD the cliens don't need any extra files. Don't this this works with 104a but I could be wrong.

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u cant use it with other mods, and it is server side. so downloading is not necessary but i would set autodownload 1 to lie i did.

backsweaps are a good part of the game now on my server. they can be pulled of in some situations like after a dfa and stuff, but it does not make sense going for it all the way. people who try to do them all the time mostly lose because the red stance is as leathal now and can strike them while theay cant move. it is good that the player cant rotate during it now. at the beginning i would make backstabbs useless to make a stand and to recruit as much leet players as i can get, after this i'd turn it back to what i made default so it is not useles and the elite players are used to normal combat again. that part happened allready with your u1.04 server so u can try it with this mod. i am proud of every time i kill a lamer who comes from other server with backstabbs in mind, in only 3 seconds because he was so careless of my red strikes! and all that without removing the use for backstabbs...

there are hopefully more features coming as soon as i get a coder joining me. i cant do this alone...

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]V[GoldEagle, if setting kick damage to zero is the ONLY change you wat to have from 'u104', without any customizability or changes to other stuff from the original 1.03a Sourc eCode (or 'u104') You might as well get this file:


The only change is that kick does No damage.. all the rest is jsut like the standard Source Code. The Kick damage hast simply been commented out of the Source. Thats about it. Works well.

i did this to test out something about my little MOD, where additionally to the kick change there has been some tweakage to saber throw... but that is not included here (saber throw gives me some serious problems with every 1.03a MOD :/)




Hope this helps you. If you have any questions just post.

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Hey all, thanks for the input, and I'm sure to set things up, and get it going properly. Appreciate all the people helping me out, and I would have stated this before now, but I got this new game called WarCraft 3, and kinda fell into it and got sidetracked. Thanks again gang, and have fun!

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