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Bot cfg file problem.


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Here is what my cfg looks like.


rcon addbot desann 5 red 25

rcon addbot exarkun_sithii 5 red 25

rcon addbot luminara 5 red 25

rcon addbot aayla 5 red 25

rcon addbot yuuzhanvong 5 red 25

rcon addbot Luke 5 red 25

rcon addbot count_dooku 5 red 25


I have named it bot.cfg. The problem i am having is when i execute the cfg file only Desann is added...Can someone help me so when i execute the cfg file they all get added. I use Jedi Runner by the way.


Thank you.

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I'm assuming you have that cfg located in your client directory, that you entered your rconpassword ahead of time, and that you have some custom bots loaded. I mention that last part because you ask for bots to be added that don't exist by that name in the game. Now, you can name a bot differently or have it wear a custom skin but you need to summon an existing botfile.

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