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Will allowing D/L's cause lag or slowdowns for my players?


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Autodownload won't cause lag for 2 reasons. First off, the download rate is limited to the same speed that the maxrate provides--in other words, very slow. Second, the player is taking up a spot while the download is in progress. Thus, the server won't have any additional load then it would from a player playing.

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blackfire is right IF you have your maxrate set properly. For example, if you had it set waaay too high, normal 56kers could play normally.. then lets say a broadband person connects to download a 20 meg map. Its gonna suck all available bandwidth away and kill the server. Just be careful with maxrate.

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Thank you Matrix, you seem to know everything and that's a good thing for some of us.:)


One further question though, how does the maxrate translate...i.e. is it bits or bytes? Also, one thing I've noticed is that people on my server(not everyone) will start out with pretty good pings and then slowly get higher and or go right to 999 and time out. Is this normal(bug in the game) or would it be an improper setting in my cfgs? If you need them just let me know.


Thanks to everyone else who responded, I appreciate it.:)

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I'd be really surprised if the maxrate was really supposed to be B/s. The reason I say that is because I have a 16 player server with a maxrate of 7000. Now, when the server is completely packed the peak outbound is 75kB/s. So, per player that works out to 4.7kB/s when you'd think it would be 6.8kB/s. Now, before you suggest it, that is when the people on the server all have their rates set to something higher (typically 10000, sometimes 25000) and are thus limited to my 7000--as opposed to having a pack of 4000 rate modem users.


I'm not saying I know what it's supposed to be, I'm just relaying my own personal experience with it. ;)

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