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Pure Server / Skins and Unpure Clients (Long Post)


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I have posted questions about this before and I have seen a variety of answers. I am just posting here what my experience has been.


Here are the specs on the Game Server

Asus CUSL2C Mobo

P3 1000 Mhz

512 MB Ram

Intel EtherExpress Pro 100B

Optimum Online Cable Connection

Gentoo Linux 1.2


To test I wiped out my current install of JK2 from the server and from my client/game machine. I did a fresh install of JK2 on the client machine. I then patched the install using the jkiiup104.exe file. I then created the JK2 folder on the Linux server. I copied over the asset.pk3 files. The files copied over are:







I then extracted the linux dedicated binary into this folder. So on the Linux machine the file structure is


I created a base folder there for the pk3 files. Those are in



I create my server.cfg file and place it in /usr/local/games/jk2/base


Now the fun begins. I start the server and try to connect using my vanilla install. I can connect everything looks good. I inadvertantly made the server connect to the internet and almost immediately I have internet users connected and playing.


I now want to see what happens when I have some skins on my local client and none on the server. According to posts that I have seen here I should be able to connect in with no problems. Other users should see me as the default Kyle skin. I started with just one skin. I added the Darth Maul skin to my game client. I then try to connect.


The server let me connect but immediately disconnects me. I get a "Server Disconnected" message. I get up and take a walk over to the server. Sure enough the server says that I have an unpure client. An invalid pk3 file has been referenced. I then removed the Darth Maul skin from my machine and restart the game. I connect into the server no problem.


I then decide to try loading the Adminmod. It is what I use the most. So I load it up and setup it config. No skins have been added to the server at this point. Also there are no skins on the client machine at this point.


I can connect with no problems. I see my special motd and can play on the server. I again try to add skins to the local client. This time I try a different skin. I try the Darth Vader skin. All I do is add the pk3 file to the game clients GameData/Base folder. I tried to connect to the server and I get a "Server Disconnected" notice. I check the server again and I get the Unpure Client detected. Invalid pk3 file referenced.


Now If everything that I have seen posted here is correct I should have been able to connect with my skins and just have other players not see it. That did not prove to be the case.


Now to further the test I added the Darth Vader skin to the server. This is the only skin that I add. On the client machine I add the Vader skin as well. I can now connect to the server and play. I can use the Vader skin, and I do not get rejected by the server.


I now added the Darth Maul skin to the client machine but not the server. The server only had Vader.pk3 aside from the assets pk3 files. Well I cannot connect. I get the server deconnected message. Again the server says unpure client.


So this was my little experiment with Pure Server / Skins and unpure client rejects. I have over 95 skins on my server, and lots of clients connecting in with no problems. I post my experience in the hopes that it will help others getting Unpure Client error messages.

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Also in case you are interested here is the server.cfg file that I use:


// Server Config


//Server Name and Admin Stuff

seta sv_hostname "Gentoo Linux 1.04 Saber Only FFA"

sets sv_Administrator "DaNameLessOne"

sets sv_Email "danamelessone@.net"

sets sv_Location "New York, NY"

seta g_motd "Cheats will not be enabled. No Scripts Allowed! Use One and I Will Kick U"


//Admin Mod Motd

seta g_mMOTDContents "Saber Down=Don't Attack, Fight with Honor!!"

seta g_mMOTDShowTime "5000"

seta g_mDoubleSabersForAll "0"

seta g_mAllowKiss "0"


//Rcon Options

rconpassword "**********"


//Server Options

seta sv_pure "1"

seta sv_maxclients "10"

seta g_maxGameClients "10"

seta fraglimit "25"

seta sv_maxRate "10000"

seta timelimit "20"

seta capturelimit "20"

seta cg_gripeffect "1"

seta cl_allowDownload "1"

seta sv_privateClients "1"

sv_privatepassword "********"

seta g_logClientInfo "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"

seta sv_maxPing "250"

seta sv_minPing "40"


//Enable IP banning

seta g_filterban "1"

seta g_banIPs "the id10t's I have had to ban"


//Game Options

seta g_needpass "0"

seta g_password ""

seta g_warmup "30"

seta g_inactivity "100"

seta g_forcePowerDisable "0"

seta g_autoMapCycle "1"

seta g_allowvote "0"

seta g_gametype "0"

seta g_weaponDisable "65531"

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531"

seta g_saberLock "1"

seta g_maxForceRank "5"

seta g_dismember "100"

seta g_olddamage "0"

seta bot_minplayers 2


//Admin Mod Options

set g_mDoubleSabersForAll 0



map ffa_yavin

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The reason you have gotten different answers and results from your test are because Raven changed the server behavior starting with 1.03. Prior to that, you COULD connect with a skin a pure server lacked and be seen in the default skin. After 1.03, you couldn't USE a skin a pure server lacked, but you should be able to connect to the server if you have the skin installed, but aren't using it. Give that a try.

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Matrix I tested out the solution you gave :D


What I did was...... I stopped the server and I removed all skins. Basically I just moved them out of the /usr/local/games/jk2/base folder and stored them in ~/skins. The only files in the base folder are







When I tested I was still running adminmod. the adminmod pk3 files are in /usr/local/games/jk2/adminmod Everything works, no errors on server startup.


The client machine has a ton of skins on GameData/base and there are none on the server at this point. As you suggested I change to a default skin on my client machine. I chose Kyle you can't get more default than that :)


I tried to connect to the server, again the server lets me connect to a point, acts like it is going to start the game and then immediately I get a Server Disconnected notice. I check the server, and it says Unpure Client detected. I am using default Kyle at this point. I think ok I have a couple of modded Kyle skins maybe the server did not like that so I chose MonMothma. Tried to connect again. Same deal. Server Disconnects me and the server says Unpure client detected.


To test out if this is happening to internet users I started the server and made it public. I have some clients connect, but I have more Unpure client rejects than people who can actually connect and play..... I added the skins back to the base directory and changed maps on the server. The skins get parsed and the unpure client rejects disappear.....



Raven must have really changed the way Pure Server works with the 1.04 release.....

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No its fine for me. I took 3 skins off my server. I had the skins on my client and I was able to connect and play. It has to be your admin mod (yes I know you said it happened beofre you loaded it). Enable autodownload and test it. I think it will tell you what file it is trying to download. That should point you to the problem.

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Crazyplaya did you stop and restart the server when you removed the skins?


If you do not restart the server or change maps, the skins are still in the jk2mp.cfg file. So even though they are not there the server still references them. Also what server version are you running and on which OS? Windows or Linux?

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  • 1 month later...

I figured I would ressurect this old thread. I FINALLY have everything working properly. My Unpure client disconnects are next to nill now. I have lots of skins on my servers, and I can connect even though I have skins that are not on the server in my local client. If I switch to Kyle my server lets me on.


What was the solution to my problem you ask? I cleaned out the base folder. I had over 150 pk3 files in there. Lots of skins, and not all were getting recognized by the server. I removed all of the unpopular skins and maps, and got rid of all of the old versions and duplicate skins. I stopped and restarted the server and voila everything started working like it should.


Excess is a bad thing when it comes to the jk2ded binary :D


I hope this helps others who have been having problems with pure server, and client disconnects.

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