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Getting to know each other

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OK I am JediMaster12 though everyone calls me JM12 here. My real name is Consuelo and yes that is an o not an a on my name. All my info is on my bio page and don't believe ED if he says that I am evil or wierd or whatever he called me.


Actually my favorite hobbies is reading and researching. Yes I always have my nose in a book when I am not talking to you people. I am 22 and about to graduate with a BA in Anthropology. From there I intend to pursue a MA in International Relations and Communications and after that, PhD.

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Hey that is patient doctor privilege we are talking about here. :) I know that only applies if you interrogate a doctor and I don't mean the patented HK-47 method of torture. Besides I don't thikn we really want to hear about Cody's med history do we? Aren't you just trying to start trouble Boba Rhett?

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XD I'm cracking up. Man LucasForums rocks!


Well anyways I'll post some stuff about me because I haven't in a while...


Name: Jake

Old Usernames: Chains

Age: 13

Interests: Music, Guitar, Debates and discussions that make you really think (yes, I'm serious), Women (duh), computers, some art here and there

Location: Irwin, Pennsylvania

Sports: Football, Basketball, some baseball too

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OK folks, time to drop the medical history subject so that Anakin doesn't feel like you all are giving him a hard time. No one has to have or not have a certain disease or condition to be here, and no one has to tell anyone about anything medical related. Believe me, you don't want to hear mine, either.

I just hope you're past it all and are feeling better, Anakin.


Let's move on now to some other subject. Thanks.


And welcome to all the new ones, too!

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