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WIP: Prison - Beta Testers Needed


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I think/hope Prison is preety much ready for Beta testing, if anyone is interested please email me at kengo10@lycos.com or reply in this thread with your email, and I'll mail the pk3 to you. It's nearly 2 MEGS, so you'll have to have an email account that has that big a storage capacity I guess. I'll of course give the beta testers credit in the readme on the final release, and to sweeten the deal may put them into a thanks to bit at the end of the map (if I work out how to do that)


I've posted some more screenshots of the map...http://www.geocities.com/kengomaps/WIP.html


I'll put up the backstory on the site preety soon.

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I've sent the pk3...but it is over 1 meg and I believe that is the limit on files you can recieve with hotmail? Other email accounts like lycos give you larger storage limits, maybe you could get one of those too if this file doesn't get through to you? Hope it does...good luck :)

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