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Merged Sig Threads

Guest King Andrei

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Look people....for all this fuss Andrei is causing its so much the admins faults as well. Just BAN him or don't. Now you gave him the chance to create countless topics about this matter because you're stretching out some verdict. For Andrei it's become a game, even if he doesn't want it to become one, and it only stimulates abusive behaviour.


So there's two things now and it's freakin' simple. Ban him or don't. For Andrei two things as well. Leave or behave and stop whining about a stupid signature. The four lines sig. was okay and the admins should let you have that imo. But the huge sig was actually abusive, appologize for that and all is well. Oh you already did? Well maybe people don't believe you cause you keep whining through about it.


So to conclude


my advice to admins: unban his King Andrei account, let him have his 4 lines signature.


my advice to Andrei: stop whining about the sig. even if they dont let you have one anymore and behave all together.


my advice to visitors: stop making this place worse for Andrei than it already is, grow up. All of you. He didn't do that much annoying stuff.

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im just curious as to why andre thinks he has a right to use a sig...

as im quite often reminding people on irc, use of the service is a privalige, not a right, and the mods are the people who can remove that privalige as and when they see fit


also its worth notcing that if a mod asks you to do something its a good idea to do it before they have to TELL you to

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The way I see the sig problem is this:


- If one peson thinks it is too big, then it's just a personal problem with that one person.


- If a small group of people think it's too big, the sig owner should pause and listen, finding out why they think it's too big.


- If a majority of replies to the sig owner's posts are gripes about the size of the sig, it's a problem and should be corrected.


- If a moderator bans the sig owner from a forum for refusing to correct the problem, it falls into the realm of the sig owner abusing his privilage to use a sig.


Remember - sigs are like spandex. A privilage...not a right. (Yes, that's paraphrased from "Hackers")

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Yeah I understand, Ben. That's how I see it. But I don't like the idea of seeing a LucasArts fan getting banned from the LucasArts community. If all he did was have an abusive signature (and whine about it in several posts (its not like all members that complained about it didnt post a lot about it either while they couldve just sent a little mail to either Andrei himself or the admins) then I think the verdict fallen upon him needs to be reconsidered.


I'm all for love and hugs, kisses and especially hotpants.

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Guest King Andrei 2
Originally posted by QueZTone

my advice to admins: unban his King Andrei account, let him have his 4 lines signature.


my advice to Andrei: stop whining about the sig. even if they dont let you have one anymore and behave all together.


my advice to visitors: stop making this place worse for Andrei than it already is, grow up. All of you. He didn't do that much annoying stuff.



I agree. Metallus, please unban my King Andrei account.


I've known worse people who got banned for more serious things:


Thomas Fellas - mass flaming, spamming, threats to other members, more spamming, useless topics such as "kaientai" or "dr. zais dr. zais"....


Jedi2k2 - You probably don't know this guy, this guy was banned for posting a lot of pointless topic, such as these:


"Tomatoes to Potatoes - What do you like best? :)"

"Do you like tomatoes - I like potatoes?"


and more crap...

This guy's also a flamer, and he called some admins and mods "gay" (He even re-registered as names such as: "mattisgay" "matt-is-jew" "matt-windu-is-gay" and similar IDs...)


Viper - This guy's from Galactic Battlesgrounds - He's a FLAMER!! He swears!!!


Darth Hacker XP - This guy only posted one "evil" topic in which he threatened to hack people, his post was deleted anyway.

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Originally posted by King Andrei 2


I agree. Metallus, please unban my King Andrei account.


I've known worse people who got banned for more serious things:


That's all well and good Andrei, but that defense is like a kidnapper saying "Don't send me to jail. I know people who have done more serious things: Jeffrey Dahmer *ATE* his victims"


Pointing fingers at others doesn't solve your particular situation. Actually listening to the admins and finding a shorter way to show your counterstrike/sexual pride is. Think about the term "Signature". It's just that - a short witty way of "signing" your posts. Not a convenient place for your complete autobiography. :)

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Guest King Andrei 2

I know it's not right to point fingers at others, but think about it this way:


Does a jaywalker get the death penalty like a dangerous criminal does? I doubt it.


Metallus, could have given me something like a temporary ban, or removing my posting privilages on Mixnmojo, but why a permanent ban?:confused: It doesn't seem fair.

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Originally posted by King Andrei 2

I know it's not right to point fingers at others, but think about it this way:


Does a jaywalker get the death penalty like a dangerous criminal does? I doubt it.


Metallus, could have given me something like a temporary ban, or removing my posting privilages on Mixnmojo, but why a permanent ban?:confused: It doesn't seem fair.


Just out of curiosity (I do see your point too - so this is not an attack) how do you know it was permanant and not temporary - how long were you banned?


Also, he did try less harsh "punishments" like zapping your signature and still allowing you to post. Where I come from, those are called "warnings". Thing is, though, that people would complain, you'd ignore them. Admin(s) complained. You ignored them. An admin zapped your sig. You ignored that and restored the sig. You have basicly forced him to up the ante to this.


Going back to our comparison to law, you will notice that "first time offenders" are given lighter punishments than "repeat offenders". If you think about what I said above, you would be classified as a "repeat offender", thus you're gonna get a worse punishment each time, right?

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Guest King Andrei 2

If it was a temp ban, I would have probably gotten a "Temporary Banned" status, or Metallus could have mentioned that.


Besides, you can't ban anyone for his sigs, especially when it is only 5 lines long, which is as short as I could imagine back then. Metallus really banned me for annoying some members which kept complaining about my sig.

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Originally posted by King Andrei 2

If it was a temp ban, I would have probably gotten a "Temporary Banned" status, or Metallus could have mentioned that.


Besides, you can't ban anyone for his sigs, especially when it is only 5 lines long, which is as short as I could imagine back then. Metallus really banned me for annoying some members which kept complaining about my sig.


So if it's a short as you could thing of "back then", why not correct the problem "now"? Your sig, due to the contreversy surrounding it, is remembered for the length - not the content. I can help you re-word it if you'd like. I have been on the 'net since 94-95 and on BBS's before that. We used to be limited to 72-character "taglines" on our fidonet posts. Trust me. We can shorten it to a nice user-friendly level that gets the message across nicely, but doesn't overwhelm. Take my sig for example. :)

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Originally posted by King Andrei 2

Besides, you can't ban anyone for his sigs, especially when it is only 5 lines long, which is as short as I could imagine back then.


that was the point i was trying to make earlier. yes, Met can ban you for your sig, he could ban me for having blue hair if he wanted to, he is a moderator on this board and its up to the mod team as to why they place bans, not you, not me, nor any of the regular users

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For God's sake how long is this arguement gonna drag on for?


Andre - once you changed your sig ppl were happy, what they didnt like (and what I think you got banned for) was you posting lots of annoying complaint topics about changing your sig and being rude and confrontational to Metallus.

You were given multiple chances to behave yourself and instead you just became more aggressive and unapologetic.


You said (again) that you werent going to post here anymore, for goodness sake do what you said.

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Originally posted by mercatfat

Your sig isn't the only problem. You're also irritating, spammy, annoying and can't seem to take responsibility for your actions. That's certainly banable.


Spam is a bannable offense, yes, but as to annoying and irritating - that's a real grey area. I mean, like now, I disagree with you on "annoying"/"irritating" being bannable offenses. My being "annoyed" or "irritated" with your response on any level caused me to reply. Does this mean you should be banned? No.


God knows I rub people wrong sometimes. That's a part of being human. There is such a thing as being overly annoying, etc., but where is the line drawn? Forums are a place for discussion. Thousands of people agreeing 100% on everything isn't a really good discussion, IMHO. lol

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Just popping in again so hi everyone :)


Anyway, I have the impression that Andrei wasn't just banned because of his sig, but because he's an irritating knob who spams way too much and the amount of abusive posts he had about Met and also about the people of this forum at the escapemi.com forum


What I'm finding irritating now is tha Andrei is all "unban me unban me, give me my name back" also he isn't willing to at least accept part of the responsability or blame in the fact that he was partly in the wrong (wrong in the fact that he kept changing it back even though Met had changed it and a number of people had asked him to please change the length of his sig) and that he also shouldn't have abused Met or anyone else for that matter about changing his sig.


Also I think if he keeps begging to get unbanned then he shouldn't be unbanned, that just makes Andrei sound desperate and it doesn't proove he's learned anything IMO

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Guest King Andrei 2

Natty, check your PM later.


Pedgey, no one can be banned just like that. There are WRITTEN rules here, visit JediKnightII.com to find out...


Ben Whatsisname, I can't edit my sig when I'm banned. This account doesn't have a sig, the one I re-registered on I mean.



I wouldn't have been spammy and annoying of some of you would have stoped complaining about the sig, I'm sure you understand that, I'm gonna say this for the 421513613 time: Please, unban my account. Is that so hard? I didn't do much bad things anyway, I just posted a few topics in which I complained about complainers, I flamed, a little.


What am I supossed to do to get unbanned?

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